September 29th, 2023 / 2 Comments

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For those who don’t know, Rob’s production company Icki Eneo Arlo produced the recent film “Rotting in the Sun”. Rob recently interview the star Jordan Firstman for Interview Magazine. Below is the interview conducted over Zoom:

“Jordan Firstman is in his movie star era. The 32-year-old writer and comedian got famous by posting during lockdown, mostly in the form of impressions and character sketches on his Instagram page. But talent that big can’t be contained to an iPhone screen, which led Firstman, who was getting bored of social media fame anyway, to his first starring role in the Sebastián Silva-directed Rotting in the Sun. In the sex-and-ketamine powered dark comedy, Firstman and Silva play versions of themselves in a sort-of retelling of how they first met on a gay beach in Mexico. What follows is a dead-on satire of a world where clout-chasing and creativity collide—to reveal any more would spoil the experience (you can watch it on Mubi). One person who loved it was Robert Pattinson, who signed on as a producer through his company Icki Eneo Arlo shortly before the movie’s Sundance premiere. A few weeks ago, he joined Firstman on Zoom to ask about social media fame, courting controversy, and gay sex.

JORDAN FIRSTMAN: Hey, what’s up?

ROBERT PATTINSON: How’s it going?

FIRSTMAN: Are you still in London?

PATTINSON: Yeah. I’m so brain foggy. I feel like I’m jet lagged, but I’m not. Are you in L.A.?

FIRSTMAN: I’m back in L.A. 

PATTINSON: Is this the first time you’re promoting something in a conventional movie sense?

FIRSTMAN: Yeah. I’ve done traditional press before, but I’ve never had to talk about the same project to 50 different outlets and be asked the same questions over and over again. No one teaches you how to do that.

PATTINSON: I was thinking that this morning while doing my research for this interview, which was looking at your Instagram when I was on the toilet for about five minutes. [Laughs]

September 27th, 2023 / 0 comments



Rob attended the Dior Womens Spring Summer Fashion Show in Paris on 26 September 2023. Always a surprise when Rob turns up to these shows.

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September 9th, 2023 / 3 Comments

9 September 2023

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Thanks @Monsieur_HJ

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September 9th, 2023 / 0 comments

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We reported back in January 2023 that Rob’s production company was involved with “Rotting in the Sun”. Rob attended MUBI In Partnership With BUTT Magazine Presents UK Premiere Of “Rotting In The Sun” on 8 September 2023. Here’s some lovely photos – I feel like it’s been ages since we saw Rob on a red carpet. That’s Jason Firstman, writer of the film.

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August 8th, 2023 / 1 Comment

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Jamie recently took part in Wired’s “Autocomplete Interview” and had this to say about Rob. From The Insider:

Jamie Dornan admitted he was envious of his former roommate Robert Pattinson‘s early luck in Hollywood at the start of his career. 

“I’ve known Rob forever,” Dornan said while participating in the latest edition of Wired’s “Autocomplete Interview” video series, released Monday. “He’s a really good friend. I love him. I think he’s one of the most interesting, exciting actors around.”

“I probably at one point was quite jealous early on,” the Irish actor continued. “We were all friends back in London and Rob was going places and we weren’t. I think he’s the nicest guy in the world.”

“I think with Rob it’s always been like, he sort of had success earlier, so we were a bit like, ‘Does he really fit in with us?’ Because we were not working and he’s working all the time,” Dornan explained to Entertainment Tonight in March 2022. “He did ‘Twilight’ and was suddenly in a different stratosphere than us.”

Jamie talks Rob at about 11.02

July 30th, 2023 / 1 Comment

New outtake thanks to Dan Doperalski

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Dan Doperalski

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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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