4 February 2025
What a great way to start Tuesday
Thanks Dior Beauty.
I love Brus’ videos – she puts so much attention to detail in them. Sit back and enjoy this celebration
I don’t think I posted any of this after DNEG won the Oscar for best special effects. Below is a snippet where Andrew Jackson of DNEG talks about Rob’s scene with the plane (you might even catch of some BTS Rob). If you are interested about the special effects you should head over and watch the full interview at BBC’s website.
You can also read this interview with Esquire
I’m bringing this forward because I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since this amazing event happened. Still cringe that my nerves made me talk over Rob.
I’m going to let the BOSS Rob do the talking here.
Clickety click to watch and don’t forget to go see The Rover! Like you all need a reminder.
We are yet to come down from the best night ever! It’s been an awesome adventure seeing Rob come back to our shores to celebrate the release of a movie he is obviously thrilled to have worked on. \o/
If reposting the video interview, please source Robertpattinsonau.com
I posted this back on 10 July 2013 and brought it forward today since I shared the above snippet on Twitter as part of “THAT TIME ….“. Rob’s reaction still makes me laugh.
I have been meaning to post this for some time and I saw @RobsMyFifty and @JlynCSS tweeting about it yesterday, so I promised them I would blog it today. I remember contacting Kristina back in 2009 to ask her if she minded me posting the vid. She was so sweet and I told her I thought she was really clever in getting Rob’s attention. I think Jumping Rob at the BD2 LA premiere is probably my other favourite attention grabber. So without further adieu here’s Kristina and Rob … still love it and Rob’s reaction is gold. I guess seeing as we are focussing on 2008 it’s only fitting that I post this now.
And here’s Rob on the radio the next day where he mentions it again. Thankfully Kristina has the snippet
This animation by TheArt91Lee of The Batman trailer is incredibly amazing. I’ve shared on our social media and thought you might like to watch. You can follow TheArt91Lee’s IG by clicking on hyperlink.