January 13th, 2020 / No Comments

Barbaros Tapan recently spoke to Robert Pattinson about his career

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Barbaros Tapan recently spoke to Rob about his career including how he chooses films, working with Robert Eggers and the currently filming “The Batman” . Below are extracts from the interview, which you can read in full HERE

Acting is one of the world’s two largest series; You started by starring in “Harry Potter” and “Twilight.” Before “Batman,” you preferred to do independent work. I would like to ask you about this transition…

The first thing I did were studio movies with a budget of $200 million. I didn’t have an audience concern. But I also like to make movies with risk. If you made the movie thinking that only others would like it, or if you said, “The audience will surely like it, but I didn’t like it,” you’ve chosen the wrong story. The films I made were the one that appealed to me. The same goes now. It doesn’t matter if the film is serial, independent or big-budget.

You’ve acted in “High Life”, “The King”, and “The Lighthouse”… Now you’re shooting “Batman.” Four or five more jobs are on the way out of “Batman.” How would you look at your acting journey that started with “Harry Potter” and tell us about your own progress?

It happened slowly. The most important thing I learned was to love my work more and more, to become more and more connected to my work in every project. When I did “Harry Potter,” I didn’t know how I’d feel about it almost 15 years ago. Every job I do still excites me, solving problems, new places… Trying different techniques in each film, trying to understand… I love every aspect of my job. But if I get back to the problem, I think my learning process has been gradual. Another way of developing is to watch a lot of movies.

About The Batman

Are you going to talk about “Batman?

My speech is absolutely forbidden.

Will Batman meet the Joker? A little hint …

Warner Bros has warned me to keep my mouth shut. I can’t say anything.

Christian Bale, who played Batman before, said to you, “Let him create his own Batman, not be influenced by anyone.” What do you say about his advice?

His interpretation of Batman was incredible. Everyone loved Christian’s Batman. I have ideas for my own Batman. Let’s see how it comes to life

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January 7th, 2020 / No Comments

Robert Pattinson talks The Batman, The Lighthouse and his movies post Twilight

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Clark Collis from Entertainment Weekly talks to Rob about The Lighthouse, his movie choices and directors post Twilight and The Batman. The whole interview is great, but Rob talking why he was interested in The Batman starts at 14.48. Of course the fact that Jack Nicholson was involved in that franchise would pique his interests. He also talks about finding out about The Batman on his first day on the #Tenet set and talking to Christopher Nolan.

I am unable to embed so click on the photo of Rob below to watch the full 18 min+ interview or head on over to MSN

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Updated with YouTube

January 7th, 2020 / No Comments

Robert Pattinson on the set of The Batman in London


To be honest I was not 100% sure this was Rob or his stunt double, but his hands do look very familiar in the photo above. Wade Gravett has now confirmed and to be honest, I was torn whether to post these or not because I’m trying to stay “set photo free” which is almost next to impossible whilst searching Rob’s tag on social media. Nevertheless, if you are interested in what’s happening on set, be sure to follow Wade Gravett’s twitter.

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January 6th, 2020 / No Comments

Robert Pattinson talks The Batman with The Hollywood Reporter

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Piha Sinha-Roy recently interviewed Rob for The Hollywood Reporter and this is what transpired about The Batman:

Your choices are really interesting in that you always veer towards these unconventional roles that require you to be quite fearless – then you sign on to be Batman, which requires you to be fearless in a whole new way, but what drew you to the role after you’ve been taking on a lot of smaller and riskier projects?

I had it in my head that there’s something about that part, I had my eye on it and I don’t know why, for a while and then there’s something about the part itself which I always kind of liked – there’s one part of me, the competitive part of me that I really like doing a small movie and helping it find an audience when audience doesn’t know if they want to watch it or not, but it’s also fun to have that anticipation and when there’s doubt or whatever from an audience, it triggers that competitive thing in me. But also there’s something, I did want to do a big thing and there’s something about Batman, his motivations in every iteration of the story are always a little shady. He has this centerpiece backstory of his parents being killed but I think that’s the interesting part of the story, like your parents are killed in a mugging but then … it’s a pretty big leap to become Batman afterward and it allows for quite a lot of scope in what you can do with the character. And also, the Batman is always really cool.

Have you been working on your gravelly deep voice? How are you hoping to put your specific spin on a character that has been previously played by so many great actors as well?

We’ve got a couple of ideas but I’m still finishing Chris Nolan’s movie but I’ve been reading a lot of the comics. I didn’t realize there were like, a hundred thousand Batman comics, it’s really astonishing so I’m reading as many as I can. The line of where the character’s gone in the comics, there’s a kind of strangely, there’s a storyline you can follow the whole way through, a macro storyline from the inception of the character in the comics, which is slightly different from the movie, and I think you can get quite a lot out of it.

What did you think about Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker as that spun a new direction for the DC universe? Will the Batman film be following that tone and feel or going a different direction?

Joaquin is one of the best actors working, he’s always great in everything, I’m always amazed when people are surprised that he’s really great, I’m like, “he’s Joaquin Phoenix, what else did you think he was going to be?” I thought he was great. And about the tone and stuff, those are all Matt Reeves questions – it’s above my pay grade! 

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December 18th, 2019 / No Comments

Robert Pattinson Talks The Lighthouse, Directors and more

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It’s been so long I almost forgot that they hadn’t unleashed this gem. Here’s the full video and new photos below.

Photos (HQs thanks to Ani)

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New photos courtesy of @jlcvisuals Instagram

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More videos and transcript after the cut

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November 22nd, 2019 / 1 Comment

Surrender to the charming self-deprecation of Robert Pattinson


Glenn Whipp of the LA Times recently sat down again and spoke with Rob. Here’s an excerpt of his interview – you can read the whole interview HERE

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“I’ve always been fascinated by someone who tells me, ‘I like your choices in that scene,’ because I don’t even know what the options are,” Pattinson says, giggling. “I feel like you have a thick membrane of consciousness and you’re digging inside yourself, trying to find one little idea and hope it works. It’s an all-consuming terror and it has been there from the start. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just tossing a coin, relying entirely on luck.”

And, yes, this is ridiculous, and Pattinson, 33, knows that full well. But in recalling his transition from playing the vampire romantic Edward Cullen in the “Twilight” franchise to making strange, art house movies that people might stumble across at 2 in the morning and think, “What in the name of God is going on here?,” Pattinson can peg the pivotal moment.

“It’s when David [Cronenberg] called me for ‘Cosmopolis,’” Pattinson says, referring to the 2012 movie in which he played a Wall Street titan crawling across Manhattan in a limo. Before that, all his auditions were for mainstream movies. “I didn’t know you could go after the people you wanted to work with. And that’s what I’ve done the last eight movies.”
That includes “The Batman.” Pattinson read about Reeves making a noir “Batman” movie and thought, “I haven’t done a big thing for ages. This is the one I want.” (His agents were shocked.) He badgered Reeves, met with him and producer Dylan Clark a number of times and finally secured an audition. He spent three weeks preparing for his audition scene only to have all his work cast aside once he put on the Batsuit.

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Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover

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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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