April 14th, 2024 / No Comments


14 April 2024

Here’s a fabulous photo taken by Ben Trivett for People Magazine of Rob with Bong Joon

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11 April 2024

Another bromance blossoms – how can it not

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March 3rd, 2022 / 6 Comments

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As us usual, here is a roundup of reviews that focus on Rob’s performance. There are a LOT of reviews so I will be updating this post regularly. Latest reviews will be added to end of each section under the date they were entered.

The Sweet

Flicks (Australia)

Robert Pattinson is brilliantly mopey in the latest iteration of The Batman

Fear HQ

And so, we come to it: How does the sparkly vampire fare in the role? Very well, actually. Of course, anyone who’s seen Pattinson’s work outside the Twilight franchise already knew he was more than capable of pulling this off, and he does so with aplomb. He is somewhat limited by not being able to fully inhabit the contrasting sides of the character’s psyche, but we’re sure he will get the opportunity to do so down the line.

Slash Report

Bottom line: as a murder horror mystery, The Batman is spectacular, entertaining, well-crafted, decently acted and intelligently written.

Buttered Popcorn Movies

Robert Pattinson brings a brooding passion to the character that really does stand out compared to the other performers to take on this iconic role. There is a grit and uneasiness found within this performance that gives Wayne a needed humanity for a story like this. Every element of the film is more grounded than one might expect from a Batman feature and it only makes sense that the titular character himself would follow suit.

The AU Review (Australia)

The Batman of Reeves’ universe, as played so intimidatingly stoic by Robert Pattinson

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September 23rd, 2020 / 4 Comments

Robert Pattinson as Preston Teagardin #TheDevilAlltheTime Reviews

UPDATED: 23 September 2020 – new reviews after ABC News

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The Cool

It looks like Rob is in yet another divisive film, some reviewers found the film unsettling, others loved it. If you have read the novel by Donald Roy Pollock then you know you are in for a dark hellish ride. There are a few things that the reviewers seem to agree on and that is that Rob steals the show. Below are reviews that focus on Rob’s performance:

Slash Films: Pattinson is clearly having a blast, giving one of the weirdest damn performances of his career. I can’t even begin to tell you what accent the actor is going for here, but it doesn’t even sound like it’s from this planet, let alone this country. The actor doesn’t show up until very late in the film, and it’s almost as if he decided to make up for lost time by devouring every scene he’s in. The performance might be a bit too much for some, but I thought it fit the often surreal tone of the film perfectly. Or maybe I just like watching Pattinson ham it up.

Music City Drive-In: Likewise can be said about Robert Pattinson and his role as Preston Teagarden [character development]. When we are introduced to him, Pattinson has this impeccable southern accent and delights with his charisma. There will be some criticism for his role in this film as he is a preacher who is a pedophile but folks, he is playing a role, period. His scenes are not very long, but when Pattinson is on the screen, he demands your presence. He is slowly becoming one of the best actors in Hollywood.

Variety: Robert Pattinson has a way of making scene-stealing entrances, sometimes midway through a movie, like when he showed up in “The King” …. He does it again in “The Devil All the Time,” … For Pattinson, playing a domineering Bible Belt sleaze is a cred move (a sign that he doesn’t have to be liked), and he does a stylish job of it

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September 18th, 2020 / 2 Comments

Robert Pattinson Scene Stealer Extraordinaire

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Jeva Lange from The Week has written an opinion piece about Robert Pattinson and his scene stealing performances. Below is an excerpt, but you should read the entire article by clicking on the link HERE:

I wish I could tell you more about their performances [ensemble cast in The Devil All the Time], but by the end of the film, the only thing I could think about was Robert Pattinson.

It’s admittedly baffling that the former Harry Potter and Twilight star somewhere along the line morphed into one of the greatest living actors, but it’s even more baffling still that he keeps somehow getting cast in secondary roles where he then effortlessly snatches the movie away from the sorry souls who’d signed up thinking they were going to get to be the “leads.” How has no one learned better yet? You don’t want to be in a movie with this guy; he’s only going to steal the show.

The Devil All the Time is only the latest example …

Part of why Pattinson’s performances in The Devil All the Time and The King rise above his hapless costars’ is because it seems as if he frequently operates on a totally different page than the rest of the cast and crew. In the moody and atmospheric The Lighthouse, where he plays more of a true co-lead, for example, Pattinson claimed that he “didn’t really think it was a horror film, because I thought it was so funny.” Some believed he was trolling with his over-the-top French accent in The King. Mashable’s Angie Han, in sharing her pan of The Devil All the Time, suggested that Pattinson was actually doing a sort of meta-performance with his campy, whining reverend, claiming he was the only one on set who seemed to recognize how comedic the movie actually was. Though I felt more generously toward The Devil All the Time than she did, I’m convinced by her argument; Pattinson stands out because his performances are often cleverer than the movies he’s in. When that’s the case, his more earnest costars don’t stand a chance.

September 16th, 2020 / 3 Comments

Reviews of Robert Pattinson’s performance as Neil in Tenet

**UPDATED: 22 Sept 2020:

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Pattinson seems far more ready to slip into his character, with a gleaming smirk that provides a dash of levity to the proceedings.” Slash Film

The embargo’s been lifted and initial reviews for Tenet are in – slightly mixed, but as per usual I’m just going to focus on what they say about Rob – good and bad. I will update as the film is released worldwide – so here we go.

The Sweet

BBC: … with the aid of a louche British fixer, Robert Pattinson, who deserves his own spin-off film.

Total Film | Games Radar: Pattinson puts forward a strong case for his casting as Bruce Wayne, deploying dapper swagger as the capable and faithful Neil. 

The Guardian: As for Robert Pattinson’s raffish wingman, brilliant and dapper and apparently based on Christopher Hitchens? Pattinson is never less than watchable. And his affectations can be a welcome distraction. But he still just seems like some bloke who’s got drunk in Banana Republic’s scarf department.

The Evening Standard: Neil (Robert Pattinson; jauntily effete and utterly delightful).

The Globe & Mail: … shady-slick operative (Robert Pattinson) in the Tom-Hardy-in-Inception mould … He still has a perfect eye for casting (Pattinson and Branagh delight and surprise), and everything overwhelms in just the right way.

The New York Times: … Neil (a delightful Robert Pattinson) …  is also blessed to be playing off an equally unflappable Pattinson — their chemistry, rather than the sexless semi-flirtation between Washington’s hero and Debicki’s damsel, gives the film whatever romance it has.

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August 17th, 2020 / 4 Comments

First “Unofficial” Reactions to Tenet are Positive

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Jordan Ruimy from World of Reel has given us a glimpse into two reviews/reactions he has received from two journos who have seen the film, one in Toronto the other in Europe. Here is an extract with *no spoilers*:

This was clearly made for Nolan fans, through and through, they will love every single minute of it and it’s also his best movie since “Inception.” It’s akin to Scorsese going back to mob movies or John Ford making another Western. A sort of back-to-the-basics approach for Nolan after making “Dunkirk.” There are so many twists and turns in “Tenet,” it has a puzzle-like nature to its story and the weight of the action scenes is enormous. The 150 minutes just flew. Quite honestly, I still don’t fully grasp a few things within the story, a second viewing will help clear a few things up but it’s very much a time-travel movie done in the most deliberately complicated of ways. If Inception was about dreaming, then “Tenet” is about reversing time and righting the wrongs of the past. The locations are also stunning, this was shot on-location in many countries. This will probably make a boatload of money because it gives Nolan fans exactly what they want and the final scene does bring the need for multiple viewings.


“Contrary to mainstream moviegoers, I am not an unabashed fan of Nolan’s movies. For example, I find his best work was actually “Dunkirk,” in that movie he tried to abstain from giving us his usual puzzle and just made this masterfully technical and minimalist vision of WWII. Other films of his I like are “Memento,” “Insomnia,” “The Prestige” and “The Dark Knight (up until the final 20 minutes). No, I don’t particularly love “Interstellar” and “Inception,” they felt like forced visions to me, as if he was trying to show off, purposely confusing us in the process, rather than just telling his story in coherent fashion. I also never thought he was that great at shooting action, he doesn’t like lingering on a shot for too long, always cutting from shot-to-shot. Regardless, “Tenet” is not “Dunkirk,” but we already knew that would be the case, it is, however, far better than “Inception” and “Interstellar” because a) there isn’t as much exposition b) the actors actually act, especially a stellar John David Washington, I also loved Elizabeth Debicki’s role, Robert Pattinson is the cool and calm demeaned fella ala DiCaprio in Inception c) the reverse-engineering plot device is actually not that complicated, you can actually follow this movie and not get too lost. Yes, much like some of his other movies, “Tenet” plays a lot with time and fate, but it does so in refreshingly concise ways. The action scenes are also flat-out great, It feel like Nolan has learned a lot from his experience in “Dunkirk,” he’s now much more confident in the way he stages his action, there’s barely any overreaching, it all feels very effortless. [my emphasis]

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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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