Rob + beanie = me very happy. Oh and that mystery pic – well you just have to click and watch and you can thank our gorgeous friend Gozde from our elite affiliate ROBsessed for that .gif.
Rob + beanie = me very happy. Oh and that mystery pic – well you just have to click and watch and you can thank our gorgeous friend Gozde from our elite affiliate ROBsessed for that .gif.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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11,271,546Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
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I just adore the beanie too, seriously love it so much. This gorgeous montage is awesome Maria & that gif is an excellent inclusion. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Absolutely perfect way to end the day.
Oh, I just love Bennie Rob. Thank you Maria.
I was thinking last night about bringing my old gravatar back. I missed it. Now I’ll have to.
Love beanie Rob! It’s obvious that gif is from a time way before he received the ear plugs I sent him.
lol @vertigo
Love your montages M&M can’t get enough of them! That lip bite…*thud*
thanks Maria. Rob + beanie = magic. Yes LL that lip bite is yep
I love his beanie lol
Radio interview are great he is more relax on the pics ^^
Thank U!