David Michôd talks about how switched on Robert Pattinson is
With the upcoming release of The King this Friday in select cinemas, GQ caught up with David and here’s what he had to say about Rob:
GQ: Do you enjoy giving really handsome actors terrible haircuts? David Michod: [Laughs.] Yes, I do. It brings me great pleasure. But Rob [Pattinson]’s haircut in The Rover was entirely his creation. …
Do you have a favorite? Rob’s in The Rover was one I actually started seeing on everybody. That was way ahead of its time. That’s how plugged in Rob Pattinson is. But I think Timmy’s in ​The King ​is kind of cool. I’m almost half-tempted to get one myself.
They are incredibly respectful of me. They’re actors who love directors and who love being directed. And they understand that any performance comes as a result of a rigorous collaboration between an actor and a director. My experiences of working with them at various stages of their careers was kind of the same. Timmy—I’ve got to stop calling him a kid, but he was basically a kid. Rob had come out the back end of a franchise that he was desperately trying to shake off. Brad had nothing to prove, but he wants to make good movies and take risks. But in all three cases, the experience for me was one of working with actors who wanted to work, and who understood that part of that work was surrendering themselves.
David Michôd talks casting Robert Pattinson as Rey in #TheRover
David Michôdtalked to HitFix back in May 2014 about casting Robert Pattinson as ‘Rey’ in ‘The Rover and this is what HitFix and David had to say:
The 41-year-old filmmaker had worked with Pearce in “Animal
Kingdom” and both he and Joel Edgerton, who received a shared story-by
credit, created Eric with him in mind. Pattinson, on the other hand, was a
different story. Michôd had a general meeting with the actor before he
“The Rover” became his follow-up and says he just immediately liked
“I found him really beguiling and I loved his physical energy, and he was smart and had a wonderfully open face,” Michôd recalls. “When it came time to start testing for the character, I knew I wanted to see him, but yeah, I didn’t know what he was capable of. I think he knew that people didn’t know what he was capable of as well and so he was very willing to work and work hard. But very quickly when he came in to test for me I could just see this skill set that he just hasn’t been able to showcase.”
Expected to attend Mickey17 World Premiere in London on 13 February 2025. Appearance to be announced in February.
German premiere at Berlinale - 15 February 2025 at 6.30pm (4.30AM AEST 16 Feb).
RPAustralia Exclusive Interview
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
Release Date: 17 July 2026. | Filming February to August 2025 Sicily, UK, Moroc Check out all upcoming information at our dedicated Film Page by clicking on News below
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