Well May’s photo for 12 Months of Rob has been decided – thanks to all who voted. To see which photo was the not so clear winner (there were only 2 votes between it and second place) please go to our Fan page or click here.
It’s now time to vote for your favourite June pic. As promised, I’m doing a black and white theme, but not the photos you may have been expecting.  The choices for June are between two magazine shoots – Chou Chou and Interview and, of course, the premiere of Harry Potter 6 (my personal fave – not that I’m trying to sway you).  Just a reminder, in order for your vote to count, please only vote for one photo using the 5 star rating system. You can either vote here or at the widget on the main page. The deadline for voting will be 12 June 2009. Thanks again to everyone who participated in May’s choice – hope you have fun deciding next month’s winner (Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter – lol).

Just a little reminder that voting for the inaugural “Pic of the Month” closes next Tuesday 12 May at 6.00 pm (or thereabouts). So there’s still time to pick your favourite of the 3 photos above by either voting here or through the widget on the main page.   And for those of us who can’t decide, it lets you vote for each photo once, but you can’t cheat and vote for your favourite multiple times – believe me I’ve tried.
We thought it would be fun if you helped us choose which of the 3 photos below you think should be included on our new page “12 months of Rob or our interpretation of it”. Each month I will do a new post providing 3 more photos. In order for your vote to count, please only vote for one photo using the 5 star rating system. You can either vote here or at the widget on the main page. Sorry about the short notice, but the deadline for voting will be 12 May 2009 – given that his birthday is fast approaching. As you can probably tell, the theme for May is smiling Rob. Watch out for June though – I feel a black and white theme coming on!