“Inside the Rover”. What a magical day. Although we had brought the press conference and red carpet premiere to you all, we actually decided to attend this event as “fans” which I’m sure you will appreciate is a different experience than just reporting live on an event. As great as it was to bring the red carpet interview to you all with Rob, you can’t really appreciate Rob until you sit back and absorb the whole event. And Rob was his usual self – he came out with some amazing comments. I don’t think it made it on this interview, but I could be wrong, how the guy in the bar had told him he’d assassinated JFK and was in hiding in Maree except David (or maybe it was Guy) who said – yes except now you’ve blown his cover. And Rob just laughed and said oh shit I have to or something like that. I can’t wait until Rob returns to Sydney again – just putting it out there. Click on Rob to watch and I’ve cheated as usual and made you a few little gifs
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is for heartbreak. Yes, I am going there – this is my heartfelt tribute to just a few of Rob’s characters who….nope, don’t make me say it. Beautiful, moving, poignant, engrossing performances one and all. Here’s the main culprits who make me well up….and break my heart 🙂
Oh and just to be really evil – here’s a few edits (old and new) *passes out the tissues*
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The HFPA Installation Dinner in 2014. It was only last year but felt like revisiting some killer stares. Happy Monday!

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‘Handprint Ceremony’
Can you believe this was 2011???  Only seems like yesterday doesn’t it.  Such an exciting time for Rob having his handprints & footprints immortalised in cement & we sure did LOVE witnessing it. Just a few of my fave moments via a collage for us to enjoy 🙂
Click to enlarge
a little GOF flashback. For those of you who have access to GO channel – Do yourself a favour and tune in to watch Rob bring us Ceddie in The Goblet of Fire. This Saturday – 7.30pm. *shakes fist* at the Dark Lord.