Need I say more …
Need I say more …
‘King Salvador’
There truly are no words to describe Rob as Salvador Dali in Little Ashes. Â I adore him, adore this beautiful film. The part of this scene is one of my most faves, tears my heart out each & every time. Â So beautifully played by Rob & also Javier Beltran as Federico. Â I could go on forever with my praise for them all. Sit back & enjoy the brilliance that is Rob’s portrayal of Salvador Dali 🙂
Jumper. My favourite jumper (sweater) is brought to you by a very handsome young man. I feel this one deserves it’s own post. Yes. And don’t forget the big clicky action. 🙂
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy always seems to bring out the best of Rob. Actually Rob always entertains when he’s on any talk shows hence why Michelle and I unknowingly went with the same theme for J! Here’s a few of my fave scenes from his last appearance promoting The Rover last year. Love.
‘Jay Leno’
So many wonderful & special moments from Rob’s appearances on Jay’s show. Who can ever forget when Rob read out some of his Dad’s email to him, awwww too sweet. Â Let’s celebrate with some of my fave moments…
flashback, while working the Inglorious Basterds red carpet in Cannes. Happy days!
Don’t forget the big clicky action. 🙂