12 January 2025
IndieWire is reporting the following concerning Rob presenting Brady with his NYFCC Award:
Pattinson, who presented the New York Film Critics Circle’s Best Feature award to Corbet for “The Brutalist,” applauded the director for his indie, saying the film is a “true work of art” and an “astounding technical feat.” Pattinson previously had a small but important role in Corbet’s 2015 directorial debut “The Childhood of a Leader,” which debuted at the Venice Film Festival and won awards for Best Debut Feature and Best Director. Corbet co-wrote the screenplay with his partner Mona Fastvold; the duo also co-wrote “The Brutalist” together.
“Ten years ago, I was lucky enough to work with Brady on his first full-length feature, ‘The Childhood of a Leader.’ And I’m honored to be with you tonight to present the New York Film Critics Circle Best Film Award to Brady and his team for this latest film, ‘The Brutalist,’” Pattinson said during the 2025 NYFCC ceremony.
Pattinson continued, “The film is a true achievement. Everyone’s performance is spectacular, including Adrien [Brody]. The partnership between him and the incredible Guy Pearce, the tumultuous relationship as the film unfolds, playing with the audience’s emotions, creates a true work of art.”
Pattinson further applauded Corbet’s small budget on the indie period piece.
“Shooting in this division in just over 33 days and for under $10 million, Brady and his team created an astounding technical feat,” Pattinson said. “Everything about this film is an event, it’s meant to be seen with an audience, and I encourage everyone to go and see it on the big screen. […] I’m in awe of you and of all your producers and collaborators, thank you for creating this monumental work of art.”
Here’s Brady accepting the award and we see a glimpse of Rob:
9 January 2025
He’s here, he’s there, he’s everywhere – Rob turned up at the New York Film Critics Circle Awards at TAO Downtown, New York last night to present Best Picture Award to Brady Corbet for his film “The Brutalist”. It’s been ten years since Rob’s appeared in Brady’s film “The Childhood of A Leader”. So lovely to see them together again and I personally have been waiting to watch Brady’s new film so am thrilled for Brady and Mona.

Sources: 1 | 2 | SallyVG | Love_Cinema