According to Fotogramas (Spain) reporting on Taron Edgerton replacing Rob in “The Stars at Noon”:
Robert Pattinson’s complex agenda has separated the actor from ‘ Stars at Noon ‘, the film in which he was to return to work under Claire Denis after their meeting in ‘ High Life ‘ (2018).
With ‘ The Batman ‘ (Matt Reeves, 2022) in his closest calendar, and the announced ‘ Idol’s Eye ‘ (Olivier Assayas, 2022) in the queue, the interpreter has had to abandon the project
Rob did mention back in 2017 that Oliver Assayas and he kept in contact about this project. I doubt he dropped out of Claire Denis’ film because of this – it’s probably due to a lot of conflicting schedules at the moment. However, the financier’s Fyzz Facility still have their dedicated Idol’s Eye page (albeit it appears to not have been updated since 2018) and Oliver Assayas’ IMDbPro page has the film still listed as “script as at 5 June 2017”. Assayas did say that he had an offer to make it in the summer of 2018, but that he wanted to film Wasp Network first (which he has done) and that he could possibly shoot in 2019. We all know what happened since 2019 to push back a lot of films so who knows.
Cinemania reported last Thursday on a story about Sly Stallone:
“If in terms of confirmed projects Stallone has a lot of work ahead of him, those that are yet to be confirmed look even better. The actor sounded at the time for Idol’s Eye, a project by Olivier Assayas ( Personal Shopper ) in which Robert Pattinson and Rachel Weisz were also involved.”
Selfishly as much as I love Rob working with Denis, the storyline for Idol’s Eye intrigues me more. If I had to choose between Rob being a dirtbag who spends more time in bed with Qualley’s character against Rob being a scumbag with a 70s pornstache – the latter will win for me every time. I know people will say he’s already done this with Connie in Good Time, but John Mendell was a real jewel thief and well Rob might want to put his spin on him. I’m keeping my eye on this (no pun intended).
You and that 70s pornstache obsession Maria! LOL Of course I’d like to see Rob clean-shaven with messy longer hair ……. but I’ll take hime any way he comes. I can’t say I’ve read either storyline (Idol’s Eye or Stars at Noon), but I look forward to the big reveal, whenever it comes our way.