July 4th, 2021 / 12 Comments

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UPDATED: 4 July 2021 – New Era Indeed – Looks like Rob accepted the invite.

Rob has been included in the 395 artists and executives invited to become a member of the Academy. It was the smallest invite list in years (considering 819 were invited in 2020) since the #OscarsSoWhite uproar. According to The Hollywood Reporter:

“The 2021 class is 46 percent women, 39 percent underrepresented ethnic/racial communities, and 53 percent international from 49 countries outside of the United States.”

If Rob accepts (which I’d be surprised if he didn’t) it means that he will be one of the people voting for the Oscars. Perhaps now they will consider his future roles for nominations. I do love that they refer to Tenet and The Lighthouse – probably too embarrassed to shine a spotlight on Good Time. According to Deadline:

The number of new invitees, an exercise done only once each year, has been dramatically more than in half from last year’s class of 819, a number in line with the expansion of AMPAS membership put in place over the past five years in order to bring in more diversity and increase the numbers of women and underrepresented artists. The dramatic slowdown in admitting new members was done to enable steady future growth and to ensure the necessary infrastructure, staff resources and environment to support all Academy members,” according to the AMPAS release.

Membership selection decisions are based on professional qualifications, with representation, inclusion and equity remaining a priority of Academy Aperture 2025.

You can check out a full list of members HERE

  • Aline
    Posted on July 02, 2021

    well pointed on Good Time . I thought exactly the same as they did not refer to it.

  • PM
    Posted on July 03, 2021

    They (and the industry) need him more than he needs them. But he did say in an interview that he has done movies to critical acclaim but without commercial viability his career is not helped (paraphrasing). He is not the BSing extroverted MBA alpha male types that usually succeed in American culture and I like that in his own quiet sort of way he is pretty ambitious and wants power. Some female not to be mentioned called him a wishy-washy intellectual and he is an intellectual alright and nothing wishy-washy about it. We need more introverts with high intellect and integrity to succeed in this culture.

  • sue
    Posted on July 03, 2021

    I’m sure Rob will be happy to make change from within. Congrats to him. Don’t get me started about Good Time……

  • PM
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    What is their beef? He has not been prolific enough helping the studios? He acquired too much money too easily? He is a white male that is too pretty? Even if they ignored him good directors like Gray, Nolan, Reeves didn’t. So, he wins!

  • PM
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    Texture of this picture make him look like a renaissance painting.


  • Maria
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    Indeed he does PM

  • Maria
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    I’m just about to update the post with The Academy’s IG post – I love that they called Rob “enigmatic”

  • PM
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    Curious, why is the Academy tweeting about Rob? Are they tweeting about all the others who were invited too? or are they making some sort of amends? 🙂

  • PM
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    ok, IG post not tweet… still sounds like they are making amends…

  • Maria
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    I think they’re eating humble pie

  • Sue
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    I feel inclined to thank The Academy for using that gorgeous photo of Neil in their announcement on IG. Sublime.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 04, 2021

    They better pay attention to his future roles – will be embarrassing if they ignore one of their members j/s

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