June 26th, 2021 / 13 Comments

Interesting …

  • PM
    Posted on June 27, 2021

    Maria, if I may… FYI for anyone looking at these comments I watched Little Ashes (free with ads) from this link (in the US) this morning… So much better than ‘Call me by your name’.


  • Maria
    Posted on June 27, 2021

    I agree re better than CMBYN – I saw that at the cinema and have also read the book and found both to be tedious. Philippe Besson Lie with Me is a better read

  • PM
    Posted on June 28, 2021

    OMG, listen to his answer to the first question… that is exactly how I feel about most commercial movies even those deemed a success. Writer/director trying so hard to steer the audience a certain way that it becomes silly, cartoon-like, … Maigret, the French detective series, to me was the epitome of what RP is talking about. Bruno Cramer’s acting made you feel sympathy even for the murderer, not the script making him say/do things to lead the audience.

    In the CMBYN, I cringed and changed the channel at the dad’s speech to a despondent Chalamet towards the end of the movie. It was so artificial and the acting was so bad. The writer/director was trying so hard with the parents being a certain way, the bisexual encounters … the whole thing was gag inducing. But these are the movies that win Oscars.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 28, 2021

    This is why I’ve been a fan of Rob’s for so long. He does the type of films I love and not just the Hollywood blockbusters. Even Batman will not be traditionally super hero – you watch.

  • Aline
    Posted on June 28, 2021

    Oh no! I had no idea that Maigret was “exported”. I thought it stayed “local”.

  • PM
    Posted on June 28, 2021

    There was a special international TV channel called MHz which is now gone but still has streaming service. They used to show mystery series from all European countries, Maigret among them. I also have all of George Simenon’s Maigret books (in English). I had a crush on Bruno Cramer for a long time, LOL.

  • PM
    Posted on June 29, 2021

    Maria, you may be right. The Batman will be outside the box Batman… listen to RP joking “I am desperately trying to get superhero movie now” and cites Heath Ledger as outside the box in The Dark Knight. Towards the end of the video:

  • Maria
    Posted on June 30, 2021

    Thanks PM for the reminder that Rob said this on Strombo. Didn’t get a chance to watch yesterday. I might take that extract and tweet it today because I really think Rob will take Batman “out of the box”.

  • PM
    Posted on June 30, 2021

    Glad you can tweet it out! The Batman combined with the overall First Look deal with WB, I am so curious to see what he does with it all. He has been thinking about all this for a long time as we have discussed here before.

  • sue
    Posted on July 01, 2021

    Lockdown is the perfect opportunity to catch up on Rob interviews #silverlining

  • PM
    Posted on July 01, 2021

    Oh I have watched them all and go back to my favorites… holy cow! look at those eyelashes!

  • Maria
    Posted on July 02, 2021

    I have an extract from this interview where Rob talks about going to Leica that I’ve been meaning to tweet

  • PM
    Posted on July 02, 2021

    He is always so gracious and generous about his co-stars, in this video while talking about Dane, in the DATT video with the director, talking about Tom Holland in scene with him. I was watching a video of LCOZ at Berlinale with James Gray introducing Rob, Sienna, and Charlie in that order and Gray reserved his most praise for Rob. I hope they make a movie together where Rob is the lead.

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