April 30th, 2021 / 11 Comments

Robert Pattinson Photographed at High Life Premiere | #TIFF2018

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This was a nice surprise today – Eduardo Islas shared his photo of Rob on the High Life red carpet at TIFF in 2018. Want to check out more photos, then head over to our High Life Master Post HERE

  • PM
    Posted on April 30, 2021

    Hi Maria, I was waiting for you to have a post on High Life so I could link this video. Watch at 13:13 and on, Denis calling ‘Robert’ mimicking his fans. Hilarious!

  • PM
    Posted on April 30, 2021

    Also I LOVE the movie poster with Rob holding baby Scarlett. Her assertive face and the pose with little baby fingers, his face full of gloom and doom, so perfect.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 01, 2021

    Hi PM – yes Denis mimicking was hilarious. We have that clip posted on our High Life TIFF master post https://www.robertpattinsonau.com/high-life-premieres-at-film-festivals-2018/

  • PM
    Posted on May 01, 2021

    Sorry! I should stop reproducing your content. 🙂

    Have you seen Denis’s movie Bastards? I am getting ready to see it tonight after dinner.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 01, 2021

    That’s no problem re reproducing- it’s always great to see and be reminded of things through fresh eyes . I haven’t seen it so interested to hear what you think

  • PM
    Posted on May 02, 2021

    Eggers in the Esquire interview pleads ignorance when he says this, “Then, four or five years after The Witch, for whatever reason, The Lighthouse was the thing that people wanted to greenlight, so that’s why now!” but he must surely know that it was having Robert Pattinson on board that brought the ‘greenlight’ (Say it, say it out loud, Eggers). You check the film rating now, it has jumped to nearly 90%, because of all the Nolan/Batman fans checking him out. For people who said he didn’t have the male audience after Twilight, he surely does by loads now.

  • sue
    Posted on May 02, 2021

    Thanks for posting that video, PM – for some reason I missed it the first time around, so it was a new treat for me! I love it when that happens. As for baby Scarlett – what a brilliant move it was to put her in the movie with Rob. The perfect combination all round, I’d say.

  • Maria
    Posted on May 02, 2021

    I know how hard it is to keep up during promos Sue – and how great is it to see Rob through a new fan.

    So true PM about Eggers not wanting to admit Rob being on board greenlit the project. I can say he had a very minimal male fan base post Twilght – then Good Time happened (and to some extent his role in LCoZ) and now they are screaming about his talent from the rooftops. Even though I’ve had years of condescension supporting Rob in the early days – I’m relieved they took off their blinkers and saw what we knew was right in front of them.

  • PM
    Posted on May 03, 2021

    Sue, it is a very special video clip, isn’t it! If it were a picture, I would frame it. She is a fan herself from everything we have seen. I hope they get to make more movies together.

    Maria, saw Tenet on HBO Max last night. We don’t subscribe to it but stumbled on their free promo here, yay! Need to watch it a couple of times more to put the puzzle together.

  • PM
    Posted on May 03, 2021

    Since I appear to have Maria’s permission to add old videos as new, 😉 allow me to link this one. RP explaining his ‘craft’ and Campos eating up every word of it. Ava DuVernay (Cannes Jury) was tweeting about this video. RP captures exactly the vile and corrupt spirit of evangelical America who are hoodwinking poor and ignorant people. If he can open people’s eyes through art, more power to him.

  • PM
    Posted on May 03, 2021

    I am noticing a trend in the last decade (maybe late to it but anyway). Big ensemble pieces with period pieces, spies, or superhero stuff, complex plot lines and most actors do their part and the audience follows the meatier plots to satisfaction. But RP is different, he brings every character to life, like he does with Teagardin (love how he describes him using the appropriate words such as corporeal and lascivious, shows his literary mind and intellect). And as he explains in that short video, lot of thought is put into it. He is not just a cog in the wheel of a complex plot but he is the character he has chosen, chosen meticulously because it interests and challenges him. I don’t know how many actors can carry non-ensemble pieces like High Life as he does and he does because he puts all his energy into bringing his character to life with nuance and subtlety, not just ‘playing the part’. I also don’t know how many other young actors can carry sparse plot lines like The Rover or The Lighthouse (and to some extent Good Time or Cosmopolis where it all began) like he does.

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    Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
    Director: Bong Joon Ho
    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

    The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
    Director: Matt Reeves
    Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

    Tenet Role: Neil
    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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