September 14th, 2020 / 4 Comments

TheBatman Filming Temporarily Paused as Robert Pattinson Reportedly Tets Positive for Covid-19


UPDATED: 14 September 2020

According to Batman on Film:

Per more than 1 and less than 10 “FOBOF” with knowledge of the situation, THE BATMAN will resume filming this coming week; and in fact, it may have already happened.  Additionally, The Batman himself, Robert Pattinson, is fine and will return to the set for filming this coming week as well.


UPDATED: 12 September 2020

3 September 2020 Updates

News broke today that a crew member on The Batman tested positive for COVID-19 3 days after filming recommenced. Warner Bros’ announcement did not reveal who was infected, however, Vanity Fair claim:

Robert Pattinson has tested positive for the coronavirus, causing filming of The Batman to be halted just days after the superhero drama resumed work at studios outside of London.

Warner Bros. would not comment on any individual worker’s health, sharing only this statement: “A member of The Batman production has tested positive for Covid-19, and is isolating in accordance with established protocols. Filming is temporarily paused.” Vanity Fair confirmed through other highly placed sources that Pattinson was the individual who became sick.

The production previously shut down, along with most other entertainment industry work, back in March when the quarantine lockdown first hit.

Pattinson’s representative did not immediately return a request for comment.

If it is Rob we wish him a speedy recovery.

UPDATED 5 Sept 2020: From Batman on Film:

BOF has been told by several sources close to the production that most of the crew will be back to work next week.  The production will take time during the short break to tighten-up COVID-19 protocols even further.  Robert Pattinson, who tested positive for COVID-19, will be out for 14 days-ish and looks like he will be fine. – Bill “Jett” Ramey (My emphasis)

Warner Bros CEO Ann Sarnoff had this to say to The Hollywood Reporter:

I think we never expected things to go completely smoothly. In fact, as we’ve been getting our protocols ready, we built-in contingencies. If someone tests positive, you do contact tracing, you pause, you evaluate, and come back when you can. I think it would have been naïve to think we wouldn’t have certain cases on certain productions. The most important thing is to be ready for when that happens. And we were very much ready.  I don’t see things material changing until there is a medical solution, unless we were to reach herd immunity somehow. Instead, we are just proceeding as if there won’t be and resuming production as safely as we can.

From Variety:

Variety previously reported that shooting on the film had resumed without Pattinson, citing a story in the Daily Mail. However, studio insiders denied that report.

Crew members are still doing construction work on sets and props at Warner Bros. Studios in Leavesden, U.K., but people on the film team who were in contact with Pattinson are quarantining. The production is still doing contact tracing. It is unlikely that shooting will re-commence until the roughly two-week quarantine period ends.

It is also unclear if Pattinson has symptoms of the disease or if he is asymptomatic. Warner Bros., the studio behind the film, did not confirm that the star had tested positive and would only say that a member of the production had coronavirus.

  • sue
    Posted on September 04, 2020

    Definitely NOT the news I wanted to wake up to this morning. Let’s hope it’s not too serious for Rob, or indeed whoever it is that’s tested positive.

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 04, 2020

    You’ve got to think this will have ripples when it comes to contracts. People in the industry won’t be able to socialise as freely. Hopefully this is contained and whoever has it is ok

  • sue
    Posted on September 06, 2020

    Hi Carmel! *waves from Brissie*

  • sue
    Posted on September 12, 2020

    Now THAT’s welcome news!

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