April 8th, 2019 / 2 Comments

Robert Pattinson starring in Christopher Nolan’s next project

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We don’t know much about Rob’s new project with Christopher Nolan, (and we probably won’t find out too much given the secrecy that surrounds Nolan’s films) other than Rob is co-starring with John David Washington and Elizabeth Debicki. Warner Bros is the distributor and proposes to release the film in IMAX on 17 July 2020.

Variety gave us a first glimpse by reporting that an insider has called the project a “massive, innovative, action blockbuster” that will be shown in Imax.  THR ran a story last week about Nolan joining up with a new editor, Jennifer Lame (of Hereditary fame) and snuck in the following:

… sources have described it as a globe-trotting adventure that has shades of the mind-bending nature of Inception but does involve the time continuum. 

Rob told USA Today during #HighLife promo last week that he was “sworn to secrecy”:

“I got locked in a room to read the script â€“ I don’t have it myself,” he says. “I’ve been a little wary of doing big movies for years and years, but there’s just something about Chris Nolan’s stuff. He seems like the only director now who can do what is essentially a very personal, independent movie that has huge scale. I read the script and it’s unreal.”

IMDbPro has the following listings in relation to “filmmakers”:

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Interestingly the Production Designer is missing from the above list. Back in February 2019, Deadline interviewed a long time Nolan collaborator, Nathan Crowley, and also though he wouldn’t admit to working on the next project he did say:

… while Crowley can’t yet confirm his involvement, he also admittedly “can’t not work with Chris.”

Back on 6 March 2019, Screen Daily reported the following after Nolan gave a key note speech at the UK Cinema Conference in London:

The UK-born, US-based director of films including the Dark Knight Trilogy, Interstellar and Dunkirk, said he is “about to start shooting” his next film with Warner Bros and will be working with exhibitors to maximise its effect.

Nolan said of the project that he “will certainly be asking [exhibitors] to really help us, and asking you to be our partners in terms of putting on a show for the audience and giving them a reason to come out for the evening, and engage with the world of cinema which we all love so much.”

Nolan did not reveal any details about his new project or where it will shoot. Warner Bros will release it on July 17, 2020, the same point in the year Dunkirk was released in 2017.

Nolan said he recognised the challenge posed by home entertainment to the theatrical experience. “The pressure is on us as never before to give people a reason to get out of the house.”

He said that a lot of the responsibility to do that lies with filmmakers, “to use the big canvas that [exhibitors] can supply us, and tell stories in an exciting way, and bring fresh ideas, fresh takes on existing genres and new genres – inventing new genres.”

Interestingly, ProductionWeekly tweeted that Director of Photography for Dunkirk and Interstellar would be joining Nolan on his new project, but mysteriously this tweet seems to have now been deleted. I did check IMDbPro and curiously Hoyte van Hoytema has just finished AdAstra for James Gray and doesn’t have anything listed as “In Development” or “Filming”.

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Stay tuned and we shall update when more comes to light (if it ever does)

UPDATED: 9 April 2019

From AZ Central:

“As an actor, the only bit of control is whether or not you’re doing a movie,” he says. “Working with these important directors makes you feel more secure in the choices you’re making. Like, I’m doing a big movie with Christopher Nolan after this. It’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in years. It’s the length of three movies .”

  • Sare
    Posted on April 09, 2019

    Yay! An extra long movie with Rob in it! So intrigued with this. Will be good to see him in a big movie that will show in my town cinema too!

  • Maria
    Posted on April 10, 2019

    I know @Sare it’s been a long time coming 🙂

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