Robert Pattinson talks about Samuel Alabaster in today’s world and comments on the #MeToo Campaign
Here’s an extract from the Berlinale Press Conference where Rob talks about Samuel Alabaster and equality in today’s world and also his opinion about the #MeToo campaign.
Berlinale from Robert Pattinson Australia on Vimeo.
Rob on how this film mirrors some of the equality discussions that are being had today:
“I mean I guess with Samuel he has an extremely skewed idea – his concept of consent. Literally he’s completely delusional about, I mean obviously it’s pushed to a massive extreme, but I mean I guess when we were making it, that as a cultural conversation wasn’t so prevalent. But I mean I guess that is the thing when someone has said ‘no’ to you and because you think because ‘I’m in love with you’ then it’s like ‘The only thing that matters is the fact that I love you and so all of my behavior has to be excused.’ And it’s like, ‘No, that’s not how love works. It’s not how reality works.’ But I think Samuel is obviously kind of a little bit loopy on top of that. But yeah, I mean it’s weird how a lot of these conversations kind of mirror what we’re trying to say in the story.”
Rob on what he thinks of the #MeToo campaign:
“Yeah, I think it’s, if you feel you’ve been wronged and you don’t feel that you have the right to tell people about it and you’ve been bullied, and you feel you’ve been bullied into silence I mean it’s one of the most awful things in the world. So it’s kind of amazing when any kind of dam breaks and people feel that they’ve got the numbers to say, no it’s completely, it’s, you’ll be safe to say whatever has happened to you and it’s kind of… it’s pretty amazing.”
“if you feel you’ve been wronged and you don’t feel that you have the right to tell people about it and you’ve been bullied, and you feel you’ve been bullied into silence I mean it’s one of the most awful things in the world,” said Pattinson. “It’s kind of amazing when any kind of dam breaks and people feel that they’ve got the numbers to say, no it’s completely, it’s, you’ll be safe to say whatever has happened to you and it’s kind of… it’s pretty amazing.”