December 24th, 2014 / 5 Comments


With the release of The Rover on DVD in the UK, this interview surfaced with Huffington Post.  Some of it seems familiar especially the keeping out of tabloids, and perhaps it’s pieced together, but I thought I’d share it anyway.

“As his latest film, ‘The Rover’ filmed on Australian soil by the talented hand of David Michod (‘Animal Kingdom’) and co-starring the mercurial Guy Pearce, is released on DVD, Robert Pattinson tells HuffPostUK about the demands of the project, why he’s happy NOT playing James Dean in his next film, and how he deals – or tries to – with tireless tabloid attention.

How would you describe the themes of ‘The Rover’?

I think it’s just a story about survivors. I think they’re quite simple people in extraordinary circumstances. They’re trying to figure out how to live when it seems like there’s not a lot of hope. It seems like there’s nothing to do tomorrow, so what are you supposed to do at any point during your day? Even the gang I’m in, they’re stealing money and there’s nothing to use the money for at all. It’s very difficult to know why to keep living if everything seems totally worthless, and yet people do.

Would you say that the film has a political subtext? It’s set after an economic collapse…?

There’s definitely a message shooting out of the film. There were weird physical manifestations of it when we were shooting it. If you look at some of the shots, there were these weird massive mines, which they’re still digging, but they’ve basically just devastated the landscape. You stand there and look at it and there’s absolutely no wildlife anymore – nothing’s going to be able to grow in these places for hundreds of years. And it’s not just that bit of land: it’s wrecked absolutely everything around it, even if it doesn’t look like it has. You kind of think, ‘For what? – so we can sit around and play video games?’

What’s happening with ‘Life’?

It was fun to do. Anton [Corbijn]’s really cool. It’s about the famous photographs of James Dean in Times Square; it’s about James Dean and the photographer’s relationship. Joel Edgerton’s in it, weirdly, because he’s a co-writer on ‘The Rover’, and Ben Kingsley. It’s cool. It’s interesting doing a movie about photography with Anton Corbijn, a master photographer. He taught me how to take photos a little bit, with an old Leica. They’re not very good. I thought they were all going to be absolutely amazing. I developed them all at the end of the movie and I did like 25 rolls of film, and on about four I hadn’t even realised that you need to pull the lens out (laughs) – so they’re all blank. Four films. It was a fun movie to do.

People called you the new James Dean. Now you’re doing a movie about James Dean, but not playing him. Weren’t you interested in that role?

No, not really. Dane [DeHaan] is so brave doing it. It’s one of the hardest parts ever. Try and play any iconic person. Dane’s got a wig, fake earlobes, and contact lenses – the whole deal. And James Dean’s mannerisms are so recognisable, so you’ve got to play the part and all this other stuff. It’s like playing Harry Potter – everyone’s got expectations – whereas I’m just the observer.

How do you deal with appearing so frequently in the tabloids?

I don’t read them. I think I’m slowly trying my best to get out of all that kind of media, just being in gossip magazines and stuff. I don’t quite know how to do it, but I’m trying my best.”

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 24, 2014

    Rob, you should know it’s dangerous to put images in my head about you and a Leica.

  • Trish
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    Always enjoy reading about Rob, no matter if it’s old news or not. Is he in the tabloids? I have no idea, as I don’t read them either! Thanks for sharing, Maria!

  • Sanguine
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    His little hand wave is a hoot! 🙂

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!!

  • Jules
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    Lol Carmel!!

    Loved this, thanks so much Maria..great read 😉

  • Roberta
    Posted on December 26, 2014

    Thank you maria for this! <3

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    Director: Bong Joon Ho
    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Matt Reeves
    Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

    Tenet Role: Neil
    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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