August 21st, 2014 / 21 Comments

This will make your day! I know it made mine. Rob graciously accepted Zach Efron’s nomination. Here’s the awesome video of Rob getting iced and watered down!

For those who don’t know what the #ALSIceBucket Challenge is.  Forbes gives a little insight:

“… raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the lethal neurodegenerative disorder also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The original idea was that when the gauntlet was thrown down in the ice bucket challenge, you either need to give $100 to ALS or dump ice water on your head. Most people seem to be opting to both donate and get soaked, posting the videos on social media.”

  • sue
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    Go on, Rob. NOT just because we’d like to see you soaked (*cough*) for a good cause. But I’m dying to see who your crazy brain would nominate next …….

  • Maria
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    LOL @Sue IKR – he’s got 24 hours in which to do this *cough David M cough*

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    Taps foot. Are we there yet!
    Come on Rob – you know you want to and have had loads of practice on Fallon with water wars.

  • Carmel
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    It will be interesting to see if Rob does this… and how he would put it out there. He isn’t exactly social media connected

    LOL – Maria – you would get 2 for 1

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    Cannot wait!

    So true Vertigo, so true!

  • Trish
    Posted on August 20, 2014

    Um, if I donate $100, can I get Rob dumped on me? I’ll settle for the ice so long as Rob’s the one holding the bucket…

  • Maria
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    I am freakin cartwheeling because @Sue he freakin nominated Marilyn Manson and Vertigo and I were cartwheeling yesterday because Marilyn Manson is on the bill for Soundwave Day 2 with Slash and Judas Priest that we are going to!!

    And lawd we knew Rob would do something different – I love him – he’s KING.

    Hits play again

  • Jules
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Like I said on Twitter, I didn’t think I could love him more – I was oh so WRONG!!!! This is pure GOLD – he really is KING Maria. This is so wonderful, so fun and yeah, so hot. Thanks for posting girls – he’s just….he makes being his fan so freaking EASY. 🙂 He’s such a gift. 🙂

    and that’s awesome re Marilyn, Maria!! 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Marilyn Manson!!!! Haha Maria, Marilyn was all the talk with us yesterday, its freakin awesome Rob nominated him.
    Btw I can’t stop watching either. GRIN from ear to ear .
    Gold Rob. GOLD

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    I have this on constant repeat – LOVE it, LOVE him. So much GOLD right here 😀

    Soooo awesome Rob nominated Marilyn Manson haha. Love it girls, love it 😀

  • sue
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Well. I think that might just be the best instagram I’ve EVER seen!!!! Wet, white-t shirt Rob. Thank you to the Gods for bringing us THAT little gem this morning. the whole “I couldn’t find a bucket” ~ only Rob! I only wish they’d kept the video running a little longer ……

    Marilyn Manson hey? That’s too funny. @Maria & Vertigo ~ you girls are on a roll! What next?

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Sue you can see the entire vid on the latest link the girls have added. Look for the grin at the end.

    *hits replay*

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    *nods* @ Vertigo, that grin at the end – LOVE 😀

    Am so with you there Sue, best Instagram – ever!!!

  • sue
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Haha @Vertigo. Call me greedy, but what I actually meant was that I wanted to see the video continue, for like, another 5, 10, 20 minutes …… you know, see him take a shower, change his shirt, dry his hair. Oops. Maybe I should have kept those thoughts to myself. *too late*

  • Vertigo
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Lol Sue! I should have known better.

  • sue
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    @Vertigo. I know I really should have just been happy with the cute grin at the end, but ……

  • Maria
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Bwahahah @Sue

  • Maria
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Who knew that following Zac’s instagram would bring such epicness!

    Hits play for the umpteenth time. Those pecs!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on August 21, 2014

    Oh My Freaken’ GOD! I can’t believe this. Yes I can. No I can’t. AHHHHhhh HE DID IT. And it is the best! . Tooo freaken’ adorable. Naturally Rob put his own literal spin on the ice bucket challenge. Oh God, did you see that split second of fear at the end when he saw one of the things about to be thrown? Bwhahaha.

    Thank you Efron! You will be remembered fondly for playing a part in this
    Time for another replay. EPIC!

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on August 22, 2014

    God Maria, I am in awe at how you get hold of all these Rob goodies. Visions of wishing to see this on my living room wall, about 6ft x 4ft, playing constantly – aaaggghhh!!

  • Lynda
    Posted on August 23, 2014

    OMG it’s really the funniest ice bucket video I’ve seen so far ! Love it, love him 😀

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