March 4th, 2012 / 35 Comments

How long have we waited to see these words.  I was about to go to sleep when I received an email from Sue to say that Hopscotch’s website shows the Aussie release date as 24 May 2012. 

Hopscotch tweeted on Friday that they would let us know this month, and well I’m sure they will tweet something about this soon, but I’m happy to go with it since it’s on their website.  UPDATE:  Hopscotch just confirmed to RPAU in an email that this indeed is the Australian release date – dear lord I’m loving Monday 5 March!   If I hear differently I’ll let you know.

Georges I’m so glad you are finally arriving on our shores.

Sue thanks again for the heads up.  Glad you were lurking.

PS.  I’ll just sticky post this here for a bit – scroll down for new posts 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    *does cartwheels* Fantastic!!!

    I’ve booked Maria and Georges for the 24th May. Wahooooooooooooo

  • Georgie2112
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    It’s on the Hoyts website as commencing on this date too. I had false hopes up on Friday as a Brisbane indi cinema had it listed for a 2nd March release but then had no scheduled screenings. Let the countdown begin …

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    Let the champagne flow and the dancing begin, George’s will be here May 24!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    @Vertigo we are so there!

    @Georgie2112 I’m hoping it won’t change – I knew we weren’t getting it in March seeing as there was no announcement. I hope tomorrow I get the confirmation from Hopscotch in my inbox too 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    @Vicky I still feel nervous about that date seeing as I haven’t had the firm confirmation from Hopscotch but hey – they often say to me – you should check our site too for info …

    @Sue we love you !!! See those neck exercises came in handy for searching the net.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    OMG!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    Sue, I love you :D!!!!!! Thank you so much for passing on the info!!!!!!

  • Sare
    Posted on March 04, 2012

    *throws confetti and any other object near me* He’s finally going to be here!!!! I’m ready for you Georges… 😀

  • Sonja Hodzic
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    i hardly wait to see him in my country. I am sure Bel Ami would be amazing movie with excellent Robert Pattinson.

  • Carolyn
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Vicky Pour me a glass of that champagne and lets toast to Georges *Clinksglasses* May 24th! Now the countdown can really begin!

  • Jules
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    OMG!!!! I’m sooooo so happy for you girls. That’s brilliant news – you will finally be face to….face with Georges. *fist pumps* Can’t wait to discuss with you all. 🙂 *group hug*

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    OMG WE HAVE THE DATE *dances around the room doing cartwheels* We have waited SO long to hear that beautiful date when we will FINALLY see Georges. Let the countdown begin squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😀

  • Cindy
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    I saw that on their web site too but thought nah its just a “date” till they get the real one! Yippeee the ruthless manwhoring bastard is finally on his way!!! What a start to Monday! 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    *claps hands* I’ve just placed the countdown on the sidebar. I have been dreaming of doing that for SO long 😀

    What a way indeed Cindy. I was dreading Monday this week but now – cannot wipe the smile from my face!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    OOO Michelle – I love your countdown clocks. My heart is racing

  • Sue
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Yay, I woke up to another Georges countdown ~ fingers crossed you get confirmation today, Maria ……. and yes, those neck exercises have come in rather handy, thank you very much! *wink*

    Can’t wait to FINALLY meet you, Georges!

  • shell
    Posted on March 05, 2012



  • Jan
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Jan is HAPPY!!!!!!!! <3 This is sensational news thank you, Georges is coming yippppeeeeee

  • Jan
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    did anyone else notice the movie poster Hoyts Australia are using for Bel Ami ?? Strange

  • Maria
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Jan are they still using the fan made manip? How embarassing considering the poster in my post is the official Aussie poster. This is why I never believed Hoyts – they originally had this date and 2 March.

    I’m still waiting for Hopscotch to confirm to me – even though it’s on their site – until I get that email I won’t be happy LOL.

  • Jan
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Yeah Maria they sure are, its the first time ive seen it, they have a pathetic moustache on him to with his toussled hair,dont look like Georges to me . Hound Hopscotch Maria demand an answer lol.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Jan I’m onto it. In the meantime, ICON have just confirmed Cosmopolis release date. Scroll down to see my updated post. Today is just perfect.

  • annie
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Between this and the Cosmopolis news, I officially declare this the best Monday EVER.

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    You lucky girls. I’m so green with envy, I’m not going to lie, but I’m so happy for all of you.

    Maria if you find out anything about the US release date I would truly appreciate it if yoiu let me no. Thanks.

    WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! For all of you!

  • Sue
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Thank God you got confirmation, Maria! Fantastic news! I think with all this computer time, I may need some ‘additional’ neck exercises soon!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Completely agree with you annie 😀

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Oh God I misspelled so many words. It was due to all the excitment I’m feeling for all of you.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    LOL @Martha don’t worry I didn’t notice any – it’s like Robspeak – we understand and comprehend even if it’s in a different language!

    Don’t worry I’ve still got my ear to the ground re US dates. Last I heard they were suggesting either July or September release, but nothing confirmed as yet.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Martha – I feel your pain. Georges delay can be harmful to one’s heath. Hang in there all those who are suffering. He will arrive. Have faith

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Thanks Maria. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

    @Carmel you don’t feel my pain. At least there’s light at the end of your tunnel. Faith? Now that’s something I always have.

  • ephie
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    Well….squee does not even get close to how I am feeling at hearing this news!!! And not one but both movies!!!! I am (in my head) dancing around and clapping my hands and screaming at the top of my voice – YES! YES! YES! Georges is on his way – c’est magnifique!!!

  • liz
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    How brilliant is that?! Cannot wait!

  • Martha M
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Liz what a perfect birthday present. You know now were you’ll be spending it. It’ll be one you’ll never forget.

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Liz – Wow – Georges will ‘ruin’ your birthday. And it will amazing!

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 05, 2012

    @Martha – 🙁 I wish you could be here on May 24th too.

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