Seriously I am running out words – so I’m not even going to try. The pics speak for themselves *sigh*

Thanks once again to pattinsonlife.
Seriously I am running out words – so I’m not even going to try. The pics speak for themselves *sigh*
Thanks once again to pattinsonlife.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Rob Fans Online:
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11,256,128Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
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Oh wow! Rob in grey…simply stunning <3
My God, I came for a quick peek and have been staring for a while now. Can’t wait to get home tomorrow and catch up on everything but only after a stop off at the movies LOL. Oh work conference, do you not know that you are interfering with my obsession!!!!
Hello Rob … you looked tired. Two more to go and then we can all have a holiday 🙂
Oh, my comment disappeared and I can’t remember what I wrote LOL. Never mind. Rob is absolutely stunning and that’s really all that matters.
OMG! I’m speechless too. I swear we need a new Rob vocabulary. Gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, brilliant, perfect just doesn’t cut it anymore. These words don’t do him justice
Jesus! Rob is so beautiful