November 17th, 2011 / 9 Comments

Maria and I were fortunate enough to get a behind the scenes look and tour of the HP Sydney Exhibition today and can I just say, it does not disappoint. So many levels of awesome, thankyou Maria and thankyou to all involved at the Powerhouse Museum … especially the creator and curator who took us through an exciting magical world, that I am very proud to say out loud, Rob was a part of. We ventured out to be in the presence of the dance Robes as worn by Rob in the Goblet of Fire, only to find a huge surprise awaiting us. Drumroll please …. Ceddie’s Quidditch and School uniforms were also in the house! The giggles were endless and as much as I’d love to go on, it’s late and there’s so much Rob goodness to catch up on and it’s probably best not to unveil too many spoilers in case you are a huge HP fan. So I thought what a better way to celebrate and wet your appetites for taking a visit to the Exhibit, than putting together a sneak peak for you all. Please credit accordingly if re-posting as the majority of this footage was provided to us by the Powerhouse Museum.
If you are in or can get to Sydney, I highly recommend you go and see it … the entire exhibition is such a unique experience, designed to transport you into that world we have grown to love through out the years.

We love you Ceddie!

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    OMG I was already excited about going to this now I am absolutely busting to get there!!!! Might have to move my plans forward i think. Thanks for the sneak peek Vertigo, it looks awesome!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    You’re welcome. My advice is try not to rush through to find Ceddie’s stuff, there is so much to see and enjoy … just let it appear before you when the time is right. It’s magical!
    I’m taking my godson and nephew to see it in a couple of weeks … am excited to go again. lol
    It’s all there, all the props you can imagine and all of a sudden, there is Ceddie and there’s bowing and curtsying at the same time. It comes naturally. hehe

  • Maria
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    Um and I may or may not have asked Oliver and James Phelps to sign a pic of themselves, with a surprise guest, for me. Hahaha they were great .. as they were signing one of their “people” said “is that Rob?”. Yeah Oliver replied – it is Rob – then laughed and said “this is from New York” *giggles*.

    Anyway if you get the chance to go – you should. It’s so worth it. Not just, as Tina mentioned, because there was more than just Ceddie’s dress robes, but Eddie (no I did not make that up) and Robin who have put their heart and soul into this exhibition deserve its success.

    Thanks Tina for coming with me seeing as you are the Potterphile amongst us – was a fabulous way to spend the afternoon.

    If only Ceddie could have been there with us …

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    I know Maria, I was actually expecting Ceddie to appear from out of a corner any second.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    LOL! Yes Maria did get the twins to sign a pic of them with Rob. hahaha
    Oh and totally agree, you could see, hear and feel how much Eddie and Robin put into this exhibition … it was evident in their eyes, voice and the exhibit itself. They really do deserve for it to be a huge success. I can’t thank them enough for their assistance today, such beautiful people.

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 17, 2011

    Awwww Ceddie 😀 I would have LOVED to have been there but sadly it cannot be 🙁 Love that I can live through you Vertigo & Maria though & of course your wonderful video – love it. The expedition looks just amazing – so so exciting. Have an amazing time everyone who attends. In the presence of Ceddie’s costumes – just too too exciting squeeeeeeeeee!!

    Hahahaha I love that you got that pic signed Maria.

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 18, 2011

    OMG it sound amazing! If it comes to California *fingerscrossed*, I’ll make sure to check it out. I’m so happy you girls got to see all the Ceddie wardrobe. How exciting!

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 18, 2011

    How fantastic was that! Sorry dumb question! Lol! “green with envy” And how cleansing for my brain cells after B/D yesterday. Watched Hp and the deathly hallows part 2 with my son last night and sat there thinking I wish Jk hadn’t killed off Ceddie…….”insert sad face”

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 18, 2011

    Wow. That looks great ladies. Thanks for the sneak peak

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