We saw a little snippet of this yesterday & now we have the interview in full. Same old questions here but Rob’s answers, always fresh & of course – funny LOL.
Ugh & just have to say, how could you ever call Rob ‘RPattz’ to his face *shakes head* Gee I loathe that stupid name. Not a fan of this woman either – not at all.
Here is proof that a large majority of the world population has been dumbed down because how the hell do these people keep their jobs. How is this entertaining? How is this even remotely informative. The guy is supposed to be promoting this movie – why are you asking him True or False about twihards? No seriously … can this franchise please be over STAT I feel my brain cells depleting as I type
I hear ya Maria.
Looks like this year they only managed to get fans to interview Rob (seems that way to me) and the real journos were pushed aside because their questions would only suit the minority.
Completely agree girls. How these people stay in their jobs is beyond me. Clearly the majority of the world is DUMB. Not that we needed any proof of that, we already know. Rob must dread these promo junkets with all the morons he is forced to put up with. If only this year was when it all ended – if only.
Oh my God. She seemed to thinkshe was being clever, oh how wrong she was!!!!
Oh my God!!! Seriously! That was embarressing! Every interview I watch just proves more and more what an amazing professional he is. I would be rolling my eyes at every opportunity. Hmmm maybe he does and they edit those bits out. Rob you are so gracious putting up with these people.
*shakes head* Ugh – I was worried about the fact it was this woman ‘interviewing’ him. And I use the word ‘interviewing’ in it’s most loose sense. o.O f*ck me that was embarassing. On a scale of The Today show I would have to say….there should be a special vault for these types. Give him a damn break. I really didn’t enjoy this girls interview during WFE promo so I was dreading it….she really excelled here. Calling him RPattz *shakes head* wtf??
Sorry, had to vent!! @Carmel – so true, totally shows how amazing and professional he is. <3