Oh this was so worth it … Rob I love you!
srpro.111111alnwjfrpbd1 by officialspunkransom
Bow & Arrow Game
srpro.111111blnwjfrpbd1 by officialspunkransom
Oh this was so worth it … Rob I love you!
Bow & Arrow Game
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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This just gets better and better 🙂 🙂 🙂
Firstly – I loved the Jimmy introduced the clip with ‘The Great Robert Pattinson’
Plus – I have a hankering to see Rob in a Camelot/ Robin Hood movie after this. Anything where he is standing like that and shooting and preferably falling to his knees after – just like this.
Another classic.
Awww I LOVE this, so many classic Rob moments. Was wishing the time away at work this afternoon so I could come home & watch. Most definitely worth the wait for sure. Rob you make me smile so much – love ya to pieces.
Haha the bow & arrow game – too cute. 😀
I love how Jimmy always praises Rob so much. Exactly the way he deserves to be. Smart man you are Jimmy – very very smart!
Seriously, I want to kiss whoever bought Rob a watch. He was wearing it on Letterman too. *sigh*
@Caro … Rob presented at the Hamilton Behind The Camera Awards the other day … Hamilton are watchmakers … I’m pretty sure that’s where his watch came from 😀
I just finish watching it on my telly. All I can say is “Bravo, bravo, superb!!!!”.
He is just so naturally funny. Gorgeous.
I agree with you girls, it awesome the way Jimmy praised Rob. So cute.
I always get Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel mixed up..
LMAO that Rob likened Breaking Dawn to a porno!! Robs laugh always brings a smile to my face.
I really like Jimmy Fallon. You can tell he’s genuine in his praise for Rob, not just getting on a bandwagon because of Robs popularity. ‘The great Rob Pattinson’ love it!
Seriously …..what’s NOT to love about this man?! So perfect.
Loving the Fave Rob pick of the day, too!
This was all epic win – brilliant interview and so much fun. Love Fallon….agree with you girls, he’s so great with Rob. 🙂
Oh that was epic!!!!! Better than Pat the Pattinson! My fave interview so far. Jimmy is a big ole fan like the rest of us and Rob is always so much more comfortable with him. Loved every minute of it. Rob you are so hilarious 😀
Great interview. Does anyone know if the LA Premiere will be shown live?
There is usually a live stream Silvie, we’ll post the link once it’s available 🙂
Thanks Michelle.
Finally I get to watch these and they were sooooooo worth the wait!!!! Love Jimmy Fallon (even back on SNL) and Rob just seems so comfortable talking to him!!!! Awesome.