Well I sat up & watched this on the live stream & all I can say about the interviewer is *shakes head* Um, how can these people claim they do research when they produce comments like these? Rob you are so so gracious – seriously.
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[Maria: Â I’ve added YouTube and seriously I can’t believe I stayed up to watch this. Â This woman was pathetic … research my arse – you have been warned]
Oh Dear! 🙁 Is this chick for real!!!??? sadly seems she is……But as you says girls Rob so gracious and sweet as usual. Thanks for posting.
Sadly @Cindy she was – I can’t believe I stayed up until 12.15 am to watch this on livestream. I wanted to punch her … I’m so sick of everyone making out that Rob’s NEVER done an intimate scene before – it’s really starting to PISS ME OFF. Lady – get out of your Twilight bubble (or wherever else your head is stuck) and really do some research – he didn’t seem to have any issues filming his intimate scene with Javier – I doubt this was any different.
*nods to everything you said Maria* Sitting up til after midnight & only to see this woman do one of the WORST interviews I have ever seen. Seriously, you did research you claim? Um yeah, whatever you reckon. Just the look of her makes me want to slap her. Why must these interviewers constantly put Rob through all this crap – I mean how hard is it to actually find out some proper information about the person you are interviewing. Have the decency to ask proper questions & not ones that are just stupid & insulting. Poor Rob, forced to endure so so much crap. Pisses me off beyond words. Hold on Rob, the end is in sight, the end is in sight.
Ok, i’ve waited for the steam to stop coming out of my ears for this one. If this woman actually gets paid to do this then there are seriously stupid (even more than I thought) people in this world. That was a travesty. To have the opportunity to interview Rob and ask him questions and that was the best she could come up with? I think she needs to go back to “interviewing 101” and refresh. I love watching and listening to Rob and he was so gracious with her but I really feel she turned it into five minutes that none of us will ever get back and most of all for Rob *shakes head*!!!
BTW thanks for the warning Maria but as you can see, it didn’t stop me stepping up onto my soapbox LOL!!
I was the same Vicky, I swear just as well these people are nowhere near any of us – our wrath would be VISCOUS! Their ignorance makes my blood boil. I cannot wait for the day when he no longer has to endure these imbeciles. If I was her I would crawl under a rock & never ever come out!
She was horrible and strange and just wrong in every way. Did she know it was Rob sitting in front of her? I think she thought she was interviewing old fashioned Edward for a while there. She must have been on something. Surely she couldn’t hold down a job if this is normal.
Rob did so well. I don’t know how he does it. I actually think he would have been happier out with the Twihards that talking to this woman
OMG I don’t even know what to say that won’t involve a whole lot of expletives! Completely unprofessional, totally condescening and frankly downright embarressing to her and her profession. Seriously where do they find these people?