I cannot begin to tell you how much secondhand embarrassment I felt for this interviewer … I think Rob’s expression in the first pic speaks volumes. Â All you have to do is see how much fun he had on Regis & Kelly to know what he thought about this one …
Oh Jesus why did I agree to this interview again
 Where the hell IS Matt Lauer …
is about as authentic as the research you claim to have done …

so Mari the show is sucks
@mema – sucks is an understatement – worst interview I’ve seen in a long time
UGH I still cannot believe this woman. She would have to be the WORST interviewer ever! Poor Rob, forced to endure so much crap. You have the patience of a saint Rob – truly you do. So much embarrassment *shudders* Rob’s face really does say it all.
I LOVE your cropping Maria, just PERFECT!
A picture really does speak a thousand words and we’re hearing you Rob!!!!!! It was beyond wrong *shakes head*!!
I’m still sitting here is disbelief. She was so bad. It is official. Rob is a saint
Me too ladies.
I can’t stop shaking my head.
I know interviewing people is a lot harder than it looks – I know, because how else could she have got that so wrong!
What was with the way she ended it? “Enjoy it.” Enjoy it?! WTF. I think he was until you opened your stupid mouth.
Rob, really, (*sighs*) we’re sorry that was so awful.
It was just … I have no words @liz. One of the worst interviews I’ve ever had to endure and I’m not just talking about Rob. It was pathetic. Oh clearly I do have words. His face says it all. I really wish I had gone to bed and not stayed up for it. That’s 10 mins of my life I won’t get back … and I really wish I could erase that memory.