November 5th, 2011 / 17 Comments

Ok so we all know Martha was lucky enough to see Rob yesterday .. I mean I’m pretty sure I heard her crying and squeeing  from here – and I don’t mean that in a bad way – Martha KNOWS how much I love her.  Anyway we don’t normally post fan pictures, but Martha is  like one of the  family and she so wanted to share some of them with you all.   Thanks for emailing them to us Martha.  If reposting please credit Martha @ RPAU.   Cheers …

Are you ready because some of these are pretty damn fantastic and Martha I think you are in the wrong day job … just sayin

Martha I see you!

 You don’t have to cry .. I see you … promise

 I think this is one of my faves

Thanks Martha – you definitely captured some classic Rob – love you!
  • Michelle
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    OMG Martha, your pics are FANTASTIC. I’m with Maria, wrong day job *nods* The 11th pic is one of my most faves too Maria. That beautiful smile of his is just beyond words.

    I am just SO thrilled that you got to see Rob Martha, no one deserves it more than you. You are the sweetest, most kind person – hear of gold. It was well & truly your turn to see Rob in real life. Something we will never ever forget – etched on our brains forever. I still to this day, cannot believe it happened. Still seems like the most amazing dream ever.

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pics with us Martha. You would still be on cloud 9 & you have the Twi convention to come squeeeeee 😀 LOL

  • Sue
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Holy cow, Martha! These are brilliant! Wow, you lucky, lucky girl! I’m so excited for you ~ how did you score THE BEST position on the planet?! And now you too know that there really is nothing better on this earth than Rob in the flesh!

    Thanks for sharing these with us …. and to think you have MORE to enjoy!! Congrats!

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Martha you already know what I think of these and to see them posted here is even more awesome. Thank you for sharing them with us all!!!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Oh Martha – You are amazing and these photos are amazing! If Maria couldn’t hear you it could only be because you were too stunned by Rob’s beauty. And these photos really do capture the man we all love so much. They are incredible and he really does seem to be looking right at you. We love you Martha and as Michelle says, no one deserves it as much as you do. xxx
    @Maria – wasn’t it nice of Martha to save you cropping out the clutter. She knows what makes a photo.

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Martha you are “simple the best” hon Love ya to bits xoxoxo Just gorgeous you lucky lady 🙂

  • Carolyn
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    OMG Martha! Those shots are absolutely amazing! I’m so glad you shared them with us (thanks to Maria as well for posting), it somehow makes the experience all the more ‘real’ for us knowing that someone we ‘know’ was there! I hope you really took in the adventure and weren’t too overwhelmed at seeing Rob in the flesh…..(I know,it’s a very a hard thing to do). I’m so excited for you. Enjoy the convention, can’t wait to hear all about that.

  • oceanpebble
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Martha. you should become his private photographer girl! Perfect photos!!!My God, whenever he’s smiling, he shines brighter than the sun. Oh Rob…

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    OMG!!! I feel like a celebrity. Thank you so much girls for all your kind words. But how can you go wrong, or take a bad pictiure, when the subject is Rob? Never!!! All pictures are beautiful when he’s in them.

    I went for all you girls. I wanted you to see what I saw. I saw so much beauty. so much loveliness. so much gorgesness. So Maria I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting these, and making my amazing experience be part of all of you. Because while I was there I really did have you all in my mind, well at least till right before I lost it when I saw Rob and forgot about everything, and could only focus on him Ha ha ha. Fuck I was surprised that I was able to focus, I really was.

    Again than you all for everything. And a again special thank to you Maria!
    Love you all!

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    @Martha – You really have to make one of these your avi now.

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    Girls I am so sorry for forgetting to congratulate you on the 3rd year of this amazing site. But with all the Rob excitement and anticipation I forgot. But I know you girls understand.

    Maria, Michelle, Vertigo, and Lisa-lou I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for returning my sanity, because everyone thought I was a complete nut for loving Rob, fuch I thought I was a nut. Until you all made me see they that they are the nuts, not us, for not seeing what we see in this talented, beautiful boy, and we are the normal ones lol. Thank you for all the amazing, wonderful friend I have made here. That is priceless. Thank you for making this the best Rob site there is. Because it truly is. But most of all thank for my home, because this is my home.

    And even though I’m way up here and you girls are way down under, there really isn’t distance in friendship. So thank you again for absolutely everything. Cheers *raisesglass* to a million more! I love you all!

  • Martha M
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    @carmel I know I do. I will.

  • Jules
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    OMG!! Martha – these are absolutely stunning photos!! I love them all – just beautiful. I am sooooo happy you were able to get such a great view of Rob at the ceremony – that in itself is amazing but thank you so very, very much for sharing your wonderful photos with us here. They are all my new favorites!! 😉

    So glad you had an amazing experience. I am in awe. 🙂 *hugs*

  • mema
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    wow dear this amazing u don i great job and u see him omg ur the best 🙂 (mwah)

  • Jan
    Posted on November 05, 2011

    These are some of the best photo’s ive seen on the day, great job Martha. It was a fun day ,he sure was worth waiting for.Now for the convention tonight 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on November 06, 2011

    Pleasure Martha and thank you for sharing them with us – they are truly brilliant photos.

    Love you 🙂

  • Val
    Posted on November 06, 2011

    Hiya @Martha M, WOW!!!! Speechless at your gorgeous pics. You really did take some, if not most, of the best pics, and it feels like you were sooooooo close to him (not just a fleeting brief glimpse then eh?!!) you captured his expressions so well. What a treasure for you! Hope these moments bring you joy for many years, to look back on with a smile. Thank you to Maria for sharing them with the rest of us.

  • ephie
    Posted on November 06, 2011

    Wow! Wow! Martha these are some of the best I’ve seen from the ceremony!!!! Thank you so so much for sharing them and as I said in another post I am soooo happy for you…beyond happy actually. Hugs and kisses xxx. You are probably still on cloud 9 right?

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