December 26th, 2010 / 8 Comments

I still remember Clint from Moviehole’s initial review of Remember Me which we posted back on 28 Feb, and so I’m not surprised the film made it to his Top Ten Films of 2010, what I am surprised at is – why isn’t it on everyone’s list?


10. Remember Me

I remember getting an Atari for my 10th birthday. That was a big surprise. When I caught the top of those tiny ted joysticks atop of their black spongy controls, I knew my entry into double figure land was going to be one to remember. Wanna know what a bigger surprise was? ”Remember Me”! This truly out Gorfed Gorf and Swallowed Pac Man hole in terms of pleasant surprises – I kid you not. Say what you will about his sparkling work in those vampire pics, Robert Pattinson delivers one of the richest and most weighty performances of any actor this year with his uneasy son and lover at the center of director Allen Coulter’s love letter to 9/11 (yes, there is such a thing). Catch it on DVD – you’ll find it, unjustly, at the ‘bottom’ of the new releases shelf.”

Thanks to our elite affie Spunk Ransom for the tip about the above article and whilst I was at Moviehole I noticed this other article that Clint posted a few days ago – 10 Great Films You Missed in 2010.  Clint isn’t lying – he really was suprrised by Rob’s performance:

10. Remember Me

I know, I know, ‘but it’s got that guy with more gunk in his hair than Liz Hurley does in her nether regions’ but c’mon! many-a-good-actor have started out in the cinematic mailroom and graduated to an awe-impressive high-rise suite – just look at Robin ‘Mork’ Williams, Josh ‘Goonies’ Brolin, Tom ‘Bosom Buddies’ Hanks or Stephen ‘Evil Ed’ Geoffries! (Ok, bad example) – ain’t Robert Pattinson innocent until the gavel slams down!? This film, a heartrending relationship drama (it’s both about the rapport between a young couple and also one between a young man and his estranged father) that played to the tick of a 9/11 countdown, proved there’s much more to “Twilight” vamp Robert Pattinson than blank stares, sparkles and tree hopping. Quite simply, Pattinson was an eye-opener in this film. Skeptics need see it.”

Yes skeptics – open your eyes and look at the performance – you can no longer hide behind your ignorance.

I think Clint has a slight man crush on Rob – understandable really.  Thanks Clint for looking past Edward.  If you want to see what the other films on Clint’s lists are, then you know the drill.

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 26, 2010

    Oh yes, I remember Clint’s review well. Ain’t that the truth Maria, RM should be on EVERYONE’s top ten movies list. You are a smart man Clint. So good to see you actually paid attention to the movie & didn’t just write it off without giving it a chance like certain other stupid people did. It’s time you stopped doing that people – wake up & see what’s right in front of you – Rob’s brilliance. Thanks for posting Maria.

  • Cindy
    Posted on December 26, 2010

    Ah Clint you have restored some of my faiht in the journalistic world. Great read thanks Maria.

  • Sare
    Posted on December 26, 2010

    My number 1 movie of 2010. Eclipses eclipse easily. We need more journalists and movie reviewers like Clint. Ones that don’t jump on Box Office bandwgons and arent afraid to give accolades where they are deserved.

    Merry Christmas & Happy Boxing everyone! Boxing Day Test today! Wooo!

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 26, 2010

    How wonderful that people are finally waking up (from a coma in some cases) and seeing what we have seen all along, the talent that is Robert Pattinson!!! Thanks Maria.

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 26, 2010

    ‘ Say what you will about his sparkling work ‘ I love that Clint doesn’t mention the saga by name. I would just like to add I think Rob’s ‘sparkling work’ is great, it’s just the movies that aren’t very special.
    RM is with out a dought by #1 for 2010. With all the choices in 2011, I wonder what will be my fav next year?

  • mema
    Posted on December 27, 2010

    its in my list Maria and i think in all Rob fans to its great movie make me cry for hours so i love it

  • Roberta
    Posted on December 27, 2010

    Great movie and… best human skin complexion in movie history!… Just enough to eat it up!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on December 28, 2010

    He is totally crushing on Rob, I love it! And the man has taste! I know we all shout it from the rooftops how amazing Rob was in his role as Tyler but it is so nice to hear it coming from someone else too 🙂

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