July 1st, 2010 / 26 Comments

Edward Solo 1

We thought we would let you know the figures from the Eclipse US midnight screening’s launch.  The following info is courtesy of Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo:

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ripped into the record books with its midnight launch, grossing over $30 million at more than 4,000 theaters. That surpassed The Twilight Saga: New Moon‘s previous benchmark of $26.3 million. Included in Eclipse‘s sum was a new IMAX midnight milestone of over $1 million at 192 venues, topping Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen‘s $959,000.

No real suprise as we knew the film’s opening US midnight numbers would be high, but $30 million is still pretty damn impressive.  I know some of us here are yet to see the film, so I won’t say too much until we have all seen for ourselves.  All I will say is,  Rob was absolutely brilliant as Edward once again (as we of course knew he would be).  Just completely stole the entire show with his scenes & outshone everyone by far, as he always does.  I am going again tomorrow for a second time, so cannot wait to see him again.  I have to admit, I can never take any of Rob’s movies in completely the first time, as I am always too memserised by him & his brilliant performance.   You all know what I mean.  Feel free to leave your thoughts in this post but just be mindful of those who haven’t yet seen. I know you all will be.  Oh & am very pleased to say – no real screamers at my screening wooo hoo!   If you wish to read the article in full, just click on the highlighted link above.

  • Jane
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Nice comment Michelle, unfortnatly at my screening or should I say screaming, clapping sighing and Yelling I did not take in the whole movie – all of Rob yes but not the movie, will be going again on the weekend as a midnight movie was great in bed by 3.00 but up again for work at 5.45 I am pretty wrecked!!

  • Maria
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Thanks Michelle – as you know I won’t be appreciating Rob until Saturday – Rob is just so much more than those twi movies – love the success he helps bring to them (because let’s be honest – it IS because of his Edward that we bother even going), but cannot wait until they are well and truly behind him.

  • Kathryn
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Lowed Eclipse – IMO best Twi movie so far. Went to the triple feature with my best friend, awesome night eventhough it was -3 when we left the theatre this morning!!

    Minimal screamers, fortunately the freezing cold in Canberra seemed to deter a lot of the tweenies we saw at New Moon.

    Rob’s performance was as wonderful as we have come to expect. Hopefully going again tomorrow with darling (and extremely understanding) hubby!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    We had no screamers thank god – they must of heard I was bringing pointy stick and taser.

    Rob really was WIN on the BIG screen as Eddie. He owned each and everyone of his scenes and how about those smiles!

  • Michelle
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Those smiles Vertigo were just absolutely beautiful. So good we both had no screamers. They must have known we were at the ready if they tried any of that screaming haha.

  • Robbie
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Fantastic! Yep Rob did Edward proud. Can’t wait to see it again and again…and again! He just gets better and better – *swoon*. Worth waiting for girls!

    Now all I want is for Remember Me to arrive in the post and I’ll be in heaven……

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Those smiles are enough to get me back to watch again and again too. 🙂

    Oh and the fact that it was better than NM. Am still processing Eclipse, but in all honesty, New Moon really was a huge mistake in my opinion.

  • Nicole
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    I agree, I think it was the best twilight movie so far. My friends and I also went to a triple feature screening but the late night was well worth it. Rob was fantastic and I loved the smiles too.

    I want to go and see it again already – bring on the DVD so I can watch it over and over again without hubby complaining about the money I am spending on movie tickets!

  • ephie
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    I am going tonight at 7pm and CANNOT WAIT!!! From what I’ve seen so far Robward looks absolutely stunning and after reading all the comments I am fully expecting he will take my breath away. Roll on 7 o’clock!!!!!

  • Aeren
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    I’m with you @Maria, is Edward so I’m going to see this movie, just for him performance.

  • Michelle
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Absolutely Vertigo. Heading back tomorrow to see Rob once again & I suspect another time after that too. As we always say, Rob is the only reason we watch these movies & keep going back – the one & ONLY. Suport him all the way, in everything that he does – always 😀

    I too am still processing Eclipse at the min. I don’t think I can agree that it is the best out of the three. I have to admit I still do like Twilight the most but I do like Eclipse better than NM – I can say that much.

  • Fuser
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    hello girls
    last night I saw Eclipse and it was …..OH MY GOD!
    and I talking about Edward.
    from all of the movie, only his smile is still in my mind and I can’t work!
    but I must say that the director done nice job and the movie was olmost good as the firt one.
    I like the return in the blue colors(that was the one part that I love the Twilight movie)
    but…I have to say it!
    way the hell Edward’s hair was like a this again?
    what happend to the hair stylist that the have in the Twilight?Is she dead?
    because Edward’s hair looks like dead in NM and now in E.
    please hired her again in Br.D.
    I’ll pay for it! lol
    thank God the man he smile like this and make me forget the hair issue! lol
    i miss you all 🙂
    many kisses from Greece.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Rob was amazing (and yes agree that’s why we are all there)!!!! And he looks AMAZING!!! Agree with you Michelee although I am still processing I am not sure it was the best of the Twi movies to date. There was some good but there was also some bad……think I will wait until I have seen it again because lets face it I was completely distracted by Rob to take a lot of it in (oh and the fact that the screen went blank and the movie stopped for 5 minutes right when he goes to give her the ring – grrrrrrr)

    Very late night but no screamers (they are all very well behaved in Perth) plus I had warned everyone about a lady with a pointy stick 😉

  • lise-lou
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    oh and forgot say thnks for the info on the figures Michelle…..$30 million and counting is amazing! Summit must be feeling quite chuffed with themselves today no wonder they wand BD to be 2 films!

  • Willow
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    All those loving close-ups of Rob’s beautiful face *sigh*
    Thankfully no screamers at my showing.
    Just the first of many viewsing for me and well when the dvd comes out…….
    Ah Rob you light up the screen with your amazing face and prodigious talent. Obviously I loved it!!!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Oh Michelle – you know I’m so opionated and was very anti Hardwicke, but I have to eat my words, although I haven’t seen this one yet, but I hate to say it but the first Twilight is without a doubt my favourite. Maybe it’s that opening scene where we first see Rob – maybe it’s that surreal blue tinge, but I don’t know – I kind of wished we could have seen what Catherine would have done with both New Moon and Eclipse. I really didn’t like Chris’ adaptation of the book and from what I’m hearing about this one it appears that my fears from the script are clearly founded. Oh well – tis Rob’s latest film and I will support because that’s what I do – lol.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    The NM book was crap for me, worst of the bunch so I was hoping for great things from Chris with respect to making improvements with the movie. He stayed true to the crappy book as far as too much wolfboy, so there was no winning for me. As for Eclipse, I’ve mentioned before how this book was my fave of the series, so expectations were very low for the movie. I think this is still why my verdict hasn’t been formed, at least until I’ve seen it a few more times. It’s tough though cause Eddie is quite dazzling which means brain function could get sidetracked again and again.
    Like Lise_Lou, I see good bits and bad bits. Overall I am not pissed off so that’s a start.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    LOL Maria! Only for Rob.

  • Michelle
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Grrrr that is SO annoying lise-lou. If it had to go off, at least it could have been in one of the Jacob scenes or something – grrrr. Glad to hear there were no screamers for you either. Everyone was pretty well behaved down here screaming wise, was pleasantly surprised. Oh, so true about being distracted by Rob – he is just so beautiful.

  • Vicky
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Have to say very few screamers at my screening. The hype around this movie means everyone has high expectations which is not always a good thing. I had to think about it for a while but now am confident in saying I loved it!! Rob as Edward was absolutely brilliant as we all predicted and so much of the rest sort of fades into the background at this stage. He is the star of the franchise and the sole reason we go to watch!!! I am seeing it again next Tuesday and no doubt a couple more times on top of that. Not sure which is the best of the three (not NM however) but it’s a close race for me.

  • Shen
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    As soppy as this sounds, watching Rob as Edward gives me faith in love again!! Im so happy today!!

  • Jenny
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    I loved seeing more Rob as Eddie in this movie. He certainly out shone the others (in my very biased opinion LOL) and I can’t wait (for Robs sake) until this saga is done even though I’m a massive fan. As others have shared his smile did it for me AGAIN (heart flutters) I can’t wait for more stills to come out. I spotted heaps for my collection!

    Love this site too, please keep up the awesome work girls (M&M&V)

  • Foobs
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Oh my God!!! Loved it!! My fave movie so far!! All the characters have
    grown into their roles and really embodied their characters!! Jake, Bella and Edward were all amazing!!

    But Rob…. WOW!! He just gets better and better!! So many heart-melting and gut-wrenching moments along with funny one-liners. The tent scene was awesome .. Even better than I expected. I was mesmerised by Rob’s acting in that scene!

    Can’t wait to see Eclipse again!! 🙂

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    I too needed a second screening to make up my mind. It is fair to say I was completely dazzled every time Edward came on.
    I went again today and really like this movie but I think I have a soft spot for Twilight that gives that installment an unfair advantage.
    I went in with very low expectations last night and came away pleasantly suprised.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 01, 2010

    Thanks @Jenny!

  • Jenny
    Posted on July 02, 2010

    Just saw it – oh man Rob is just breathtaking..

    No screamers but the audience of teenyboppers all clapped during a certain scene with Jacob & Bella..what the…?! Clearly no taste.

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