January 23rd, 2010 / 17 Comments

Here we have Rob’s segment on the ‘Hope For Haiti’ telethon.  He did such a beautiful job supporting this wonderful cause as we all knew he would. If a better quality video becomes available we will of course post.

and here’s the transcript from Rob’s speech:

“Underneath a flattened university, Maxine Fallon waited. She was crouched in a fetal position and could barely move. In the darkness and during the hectic sounds of the day, through the pain, the hunger and thrist, she prayed that someone would find her. And on the sixth day her prayers were answered, she was found because of a text message from the rubble sent rescuers to her side. Unlike any other event in history, our world has been connected to this tragedy because of technology. Twitter updates, Facebook pages with pictures of the missing and text messages for help. This technology is working right now to connect us, too. At hopeforhaitinow.org, you can donate and you can instantly interact with people in Haiti and anywhere in the globe. Join with those watching and see what they’re saying about something we all care deeply about — helping the Haitian people get back on their feet. Please go to hopeforhaitinow.org. Thank you”


  • Lids
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    GO ROB!!! it’s great to support such a worthy cause, If we all can give a little bit, it would mean a lot to anyone in need

  • tessANZ
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Dear Robert,
    When you came onto the screen
    Everything else fades to grey,
    You’re the loveliest sight to be seen
    On this woeful godforsaken day;
    You are giving Hope to Haiti,
    You are giving it to everybody!

    Your warm and thougtful gesture
    In being a part of this global venture,
    So generously using your celebrity
    To ameliorate this Haitian tragedy,
    And do the Haitians know the heart
    Or the soul of what drives your part?

    I do not wish to be inappropriate
    But i want to share what i do appreciate:

    When i saw you in your fresh sprung youth
    Speaking those old words of courageous truth,
    (Not matter that they may not be your own)
    Your tenderness and compassion have been shown;
    And the light that illuminates your spirit within
    Shone brightly under your human skin,
    I have never seen you look more beatific
    Than when you were doing this gig…

    I did not think it at all possible
    To experience this minor little miracle,
    Of loving you so very much more
    Than i thought i did before!
    And the heart i thought overfull till then
    Is now showing need to stretch and expand!

    In all the universe and all the world,
    You will not be loved more than by this girl!

    For you not only brought hope for little Haiti,
    You bring new life and zest and hope to me!

    Michelle, thanks for the post and sorry i was so longwinded…couldn’t help myself…He moves me and he is so beautiful!! makes me want to cry actually…pathetic, eh? *sigh*

  • vertigo
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Couldn’t help myself, had to do a quick stop through to see how things were going. So proud of Rob right now and am sure the telethon should achieve maximum results during this huge hour of need.

    Hope and a speedy recovery to Haiti.

  • Lids
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    tessANZ, ypu made me cry 🙁

  • Lids
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    I have one more thing to say: ROB,love the stubble, but not the beard-get rid of it!!!

  • tessANZ
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    @lids, ah…tears are all good, we need to let our heart’s overflow do just that, flow over…<3 you!

  • Maria
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    arrghh @Lids – no no no – the beard is staying!!!! That is true Rob.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    No way Lids, the beard must stay. I LOVE the beard & don’t understand how anyone doesn’t. As Maria said, that is true Rob & Rob is who we adore.

  • vertigo
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Long live the beard!

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Amen Vertigo 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    oh @Vertigo – you will love my latest post. I love the beard – I guess because I know whenever it appears then Rob’s had some time off to relax.

  • Lids
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    you don’t understand guys… just a little beard or stubble is great. I just don’t like the full blown, overgrown beard – it hides his beatifull face, and lips…

  • spunk ransom
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    tessaANZ-love ur speech…tremendous.lids-long live the beard or the non-beard or the semi-beard.love him anyway.he’s great.his speech was so marvelloous and the haiti telethon chose the best presenter.GO ROB.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Was so exciting to watch this this morning! I was late for a 1st birthday party but figured Rob was a good excuse (not to my non Robsessed friends-oops) Not usually a beard person but on Rob……

    HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It was like the angels were singing and the sky cleared I could see Georges Duroy forming before my very eyes! He looks so much older with a beard and manly and rugged and sexy and….well I had better stop there! *faints* Do you think he is going to keep it for Bel Ami??

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    @LL – sure was so exciting to watch the telethon live. The YouTube feed was such great quality. LOL, Rob is most definitely a good excuse to be late. I cancelled on a friend today so I could stay home hehehe. LOVE the beard – so Rob, so beautiful. Just adore the man full stop. Georges is written as having a moustache so we will have to wait & see if Rob’s Georges has one too. So cannot wait to see him in this film, just cannot 😀

  • SammiCat
    Posted on January 23, 2010

    Tess that was such a heartfelt moving piece – thank you for sharing.

    as for Rob, well done on supporting such a worthy cause. I was watching it on the TV while chatting online to a friend in Canada watching at the same time. Technology linking and working beautifully in real time.

    As for his look, love him with stubble, love him with a full beard, but the Victorian muttonchop look has to go!

  • Terri
    Posted on January 25, 2010

    stubble is good…his full blown beard? uhmm not too rilled with it.I’m afraid he’ll do something weird like braid the chin hair a-la Brad Pitt

    Great job Tess!

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