According to, the casting for New Moon has been completed, although SUMMIT hasn’t officially confirmed whether AnnaLynne McCord, Vanessa Hudgens or Dakota Fanning are going to be a part of the New Moon cast.
They also mentioned that Paul Weitz, who is a brother and co-owner of Chris Weitz “Depth of Field Productions’ is going to direct Eclipse. Hmm….
Well, I guess it’s better if it’s kept “in the family”, at least we can hope in some continuity… I really hope they do a better job than Twilight… I still enjoy it, but some bits really irk me still… I am glad to hear that the New Moon script should be better… it really better be!
I agree about Twilight. I’ve seen it 6 times in the cinema…but some bits still annoy me. (The first biology lab scene…for example..and I can name a few others).
I can’t wait for New Moon. I love the book more than any other ones in the series. I hope they make it really sad…and true to the book.