“Mum, Dad, This is Dr. Ellington. He’s going to make me be more normal. He’s very, very famous. Very, very successful.”
I haven’t watched this movie in a while – I need to rectify that. Â I’ve also added Oliver Irving’s Video Diary from the Austin Film Festival and yes Robert’s in it “Is this microphone on”.

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I came across some edits Jules has done for RPAU over the years and well – thought it was time we had a look at them again.  That first one *bitesknuckle*

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Rob playing the guitar/piano/singing – absolutely beautiful. Â Happy Sunday all 🙂
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Where have all the years gone.  First let us start off by thanking Jules for her amazing artwork that she does for us here at RPAU.  Thank you isn’t enough Jules because I know how much time and effort must be involved, but I’m sure all will agree that the end result is always beyond words.  I’d also like to thank Michelle without whom RPAU wouldn’t still be here and also Vertigo, Suze and Jules for putting up with my constant barrage of emails and what not and doing what they do here over the years. Sometimes I’m sure they laugh when they see them and sometimes I’m sure they just hit “delete” or they should lol.  Anyway, this started out as a little bit of fun, helping to promote Rob in Australia.  Michelle has been here from day 1, Vertigo has been commenting since then too, I happened along thanks to the How To Be premiere when Cilla, the original site owner, asked me to help out in about February 2009 and well – for the past 7 years Rob has kept us busy busy busy.  I thought today would be a good time to thank you all for being here and supporting Rob and reflect on what has been achieved thus far.
A few of you may recall that Robert Pattinson Australia originally started as a livejournal on 4 November 2008, it didn’t morph into a website until 26 January 2009. Michelle and I took over the site in about May 2009 and decided that it would focus solely on Rob’s career.  It’s been an amazing experience – a decision that we haven’t regretted, a lot of hard work and equally a lot of fun.  We’ve had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day, this is a labour of love.  We’re here to promote Rob any way we can and to ensure that Rob’s fans are kept up to date with all his career news.  So in the words of Rob on stage at the State Theatre in 2011 “let’s ava look atchya”:

Bringing “How To Be†to fans for the only cinema screening in Australia on 28 March 2009. This was a monumental effort from RPAU’s original owner Cilla and the reason I became involved with RPAU.  It’s also how I met Michelle and Vertigo.  We had a great amount of help from Justin Kelly (Producer of HTB) and without him, it probably would not have been possible. I kept in contact with him over the years and last I heard he was doing something completely different to producing. I remember the cast (without Rob who was filming New Moon) did a personal intro for the screening – it’s a shame that was never uploaded to the site.
Also during that year, Alisah Arnah reached out to us as she wanted to set the record straight about her opinion of Rob that was misinterpreted from an interview given by Oliver Irving.
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Ah Michelle, wishing you a beautiful and wonderful birthday that’s as beautiful and wonderful as you are – you deserve it all, my lovely. As always, I can’t thank you enough for your friendship, encouragement and support and for all your amazing contributions to RPAU. You’re amazeballs!! Wishing you the best of everything today and always. *raises glass* Big hugs from Scotland….here’s your birthday wallpaper. A little celebration of Art for you and RPAU 🙂 xoxo