March 31st, 2021 / 6 Comments

Robert Pattinson is easily the most successful child star to come out of “Harry Potter”


According to The Insider, although Rob only appeared in one Harry Potter film “The Goblet of Fire” (well two technically if you take the pics of Cedric into account in the Order of the Phoenix), he is the most successful child star to come out of the franchise:

Could it have been anyone else? Pattinson spun his one-movie role into the leading man of one of the other biggest franchises of the 2010s: “Twilight.”

After a decade of distancing himself from big blockbusters by starring in films like “Good Time” and “The Lighthouse,” Pattinson is ready for his big, mainstream comeback. He starred in “Tenet,” “The King,” and is going to become Batman next year. There’s no one else that compares, honestly.

Thanks @Monsieur_HJ for heads up

  • PM
    Posted on April 01, 2021

    And of all the cast of twilight too. He could have done light fare to Studios delight and contentment and would have eventually become Batman but he didn’t. He eschewed fame and fortune to elevate art, brought along little known directors with him, to Cannes, no less and now he is Batman anyway. Tenet was his audition for Bond, so to speak and hopefully, the real Bond within the next 5 years. I am not a Bond kind of movie watcher but those are iconic roles only a few can pull off.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 01, 2021

    Hey @PM agree with everything you say but I’m not sure Rob will be bond, I have a suspicion it might go to someone like Idris Elba, but I would love to see Rob’s take on that character. Imagine.

  • PM
    Posted on April 01, 2021

    He looked every inch Bond in the Freeport scene in Tenet in that exquisite suit, don’t you agree? Well, he can be Bond in his early 40s and we will still be here. Also, people are excited about Batman but it just occurred to me that it is a sin (no exaggeration, LOL) to cover his face with the Bat suit or whatever it is called.

  • Maria
    Posted on April 01, 2021

    He really did @PM and I’m pretty sure as you say we will all still be here in years to come. LOL at covering his face – it is most definitely a sin!

  • sue
    Posted on April 03, 2021

    Whilst I have no doubt Rob would make a great James Bond, I’m afraid I’ve always considered those movies so appallingly sexist that I could never stomach them. I’ve only seen one – and that was in the 80s – but every time one comes out the trailer gives me the same feeling. Were Rob ever to have the opportunity to play 007, I’d hope it would be a much more enlightened portrayal of JB.
    PS. Re Batman and his mask, imagine the collective sigh of relief/appreciation by the audience every time he removes it LOL

  • Maria
    Posted on April 03, 2021

    To be honest @Sue I hadn’t watched any James Bond for years but in January this year I caught up with all Daniel Craig’s 007 films and loved them. He plays Bond as Bond should be played – a little bit nastier than normal.

    Also yes to the collective sigh whenever Rob is Bruce Wayne!

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    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
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