July 9th, 2017 / 1 Comment

Weekly roundup of all career news for Robert Pattinson

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Well we did say July was DiorRob month – little did we know how prophetic that would be.  GOOD TIME:  I hope Metrograph share a BTS with Robert every week until August.  Thanks to Cyn for sharing with us the full digital scan of Film Comment and Posh for the scans without print so we can appreciate the new stills unobstructed.  Upcoming releases:  Sweden, Quebec, India and although Cinema Nova in Melbourne have tweeted that they will screen the film on 14 September, I’m not sure if that’s going to be a nationwide date. I’m talking with High Gloss and we’re just waiting for confirmation. You can add some more film festivals to the list – North American premiere in Montreal, Wellington has added 2 more screenings giving it a total of 3, the Ukraine has added to Odessa, Russia will have its premiere at Otkritie x Strelka Film Festival and Turkey will screen with a date to be confirmed in September/October at Filmekemi. THE LOST CITY OF Z:  I’m still desperate to see Henry Costin. Noble Entertainment (Sweden) is releasing the film on DVD, Bluray & VOD on 24 August 2017.  Oregon has a summer film festival that will include the film. DIOR:  Wowza it was a bonanza with Robert attending the events in Paris. HIGH LIFE: Juliette really wants to make another film with Robert and IMDbPro weren’t slow to add her to the cast.  LIFE:  If you are in Barcelona this month head on over to Filmoteca de Catalunya as they have added two screenings at their festival this month.  IN OTHER NEWS: ScreenDaily spoke with Ciro Guerra during the Karlovy Vary Film Festival and discussed his next 2 projects. Curious to know if Robert’s involved in the adaptation of JM Coetzee’s Waiting For The Barbarians. Robert did mention in his Film Comment article that he had a small part in a Guerra film. Not sure if anyone saw my tweets about David  Michôd latest Q&A where he was asked about upcoming projects.  Now as you know I also run a fansite for David so I’ve known about a few upcoming projects for some time. Two of which he spoke about at the end of this Q&A. I have speculated about Robert’s next project with him possibly being “KING” which is a script David’s cowritten with Joel Edgerton.  It’s an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Parts I & II, and Henry V.  Meant to be dark, gothic – I’m in regardless. He’s hopefully filming next year and this has been in the pipeline since 2015. You know how much Robert is like the 5th Beatle when it comes Blue Tongue Films.  The other project it could be is the TV adaptation of Catch 22 which David’s writing with Luke Davies. Hmmm – you just never know with Robert anymore – he does like to keep us on our toes when it comes to his roles.  Again, this is just me speculating, so it could be neither of these projects as David likes to play his cards very very close to his chest.  So let’s go to another one of Robert’s fave directors – a beginners guide to Claire Denis thanks to Film Inquiry  – hmm she doesn’t like to use much dialogue. Robert popped into Alain Ducasse’s restaurant “Allard” whilst in Paris and was happy to have some photos with the chef and staff.  COMING UP NEXT WEEK:  The Lost City of Z is being released on DVD in the US & Canada.  Good Time will be in competition at Jerusalem International Film Festival. It also has a free “Italian preview” screening today in Sicily at Taormina Film Festival. Wonder what surprises Robert might have up his sleeve for us next week.  Until then …


Release Date, Distributors & Film Festivals:  Sweden | Melbourne | Fantasia Intl FF (Montreal) | NZ Film Festival (Wellington) | Quebec | LA 7 Aug 2017 | Odessa Film Festival | Filmekemi (Turkey) | Taormina FF (Sicily) | India | Otkritie x Strelka Film Festival 

Metrograph NYC added a new BTS of Connie Nikas

Film Comment Full Scan + Interview + New Stills

*NEW* HQ Still of Connie Nikas


Release Date, Distributors & Film Festivals:  Sweden (DVD) | Oregon

Promotional Still of Henry Costin Featured in French Production Notes in Full & UHQ

DIOR – Paris Fashion Show & Christian Dior Couturier du Reve Exhibition Launch 

Masterpost:  Dior – Paris Fashion Show |  Christian Dior, couturier du Reve’ Exhibition Launch | Social Media | Videos | Fashion Show Part 2


Film Update:  Juliette Binoche Joins High Life


Screening at Filmoteca de Catalunya (Barcelona) – 16 & 21 July 2017


*NEW* Photos with Chef & Staff at Alain Ducasse’s “Allard” (Paris)

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  • Carmel
    Posted on July 10, 2017

    I’ll get me tantrum out of the way re Z getting a dvd release before we get it in the cinema.
    Now. Freakin Yay for Rob Dior! Loved that casual look completely.
    Ooooooo Im up for Shakespeare Rob or Catch 22 Rob. Both are dark and perfect material for David. Sounds really exciting.
    Thanks Maria x

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    Director: Bong Joon Ho
    Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

    The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
    Director: Matt Reeves
    Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

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    Director: Christopher Nolan
    Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

    The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
    Director: Robert Eggers
    Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

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