February 11th, 2016 / 5 Comments


I hope Harmony is just being cagey about this film for a reason and it really will start to film this year, otherwise why would MadRiver have come on board.  Curious and curiouser – is it Jamie Foxx he’s talking about or Idris Elba?  From Dazed:

Your next movie is The Trap. Have you started filming?

Harmony Korine: No. I’m still figuring it out. I was supposed to shoot it last year. We were two weeks out. I got as close to shooting as you could be, and then I had issues with one of the actors. We had to pause the film, and then the movie got pushed back on the dates. I don’t really want to go into specifics, but it was more of a personality thing with one of the actors.

So, we put a halt to the film and recast the movie. We’re supposed to wait until this May to shoot it. I just have this thing where I lose interest in things after a while. Even though that movie was ready to go, I have this other idea for a film. An idea kept cracking me up and cracking me up. I spent the last couple of months writing this thing, and I’m pretty much almost done with this script. I feel like I’m maybe going to do this new one first.

A different cast?

Harmony Korine: It’s a totally different movie. I don’t want to talk about the idea yet. But I will say, it’s very funny. It’s closer to a cross between a Cheech and Chong movie and that movie Scarecrow.”

Updated: 12 February 2016

Definitely more positive!

From Amuse:

I heard about your movie The Trap (about an ex-con seeking revenge against a gangsta rapper, starring Benicio Del Toro, Robert Pattinson and Al Pacino) at Cannes last year – what’s going on with it?
We were supposed to shoot it last year but we had issues with one of the actors, so we were meant to start shooting it this May but I have a tendency to lose interest really fast. I was so close to doing it too – I had the whole thing storyboarded and ready and financed. I’ll still make it and I’ll still be making a movie this year. I got antsy waiting for The Trap to happen so I wrote another script.

Your films really speak of the moment they come out – how important is the timing of when you make and release them?
Exactly, it’s very important. So, I know I’ll be directing a movie this year, whichever one happens quicker. At the same time, I’ve worked my whole life with film, building it up to a point where this specific language is a vernacular for a specific type of film that’s aligned with me or my ideas, and at this point, I really feel like I’m just getting to the point where I’m capable of doing what I was meant to do.”

  • sue
    Posted on February 11, 2016

    Hmmm. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  • silvie
    Posted on February 11, 2016

    Surely, on a professional level the project would be done if ready to go. How can a crew be dismissed just because of boredom? Unless there’s more to it. This makes me respect Brady C even more for sticking to his project for so long. Sorry, I’m being judge mental and I shouldn’t be. On the other hand maybe nothing to worry about. As @sue said, “….we’ll have to wait and see.”

  • Maria
    Posted on February 11, 2016

    Silvie I was thinking about this today and sometimes I wonder if directors, like Harmony, do this on purpose to garner how much interest there is in the project. Or maybe he just talks out of his arse and he doesn’t want people to know exactly what he’s thinking\doing. Harmony strikes me as the type of person that says things to shock people/get a reaction. A Devil’s Advocate. At the end of the day directors are held ransom by financiers who can pull out last minute as we saw with Idol’s Eye. I’ve said it before the same thing happened with The English Patient. Anyway – we shall wait and see. Remember it took LCOZ 8 years to finally see the light of day.

    Updated 12 Feb – Ok I’ll go back in my negative nelly box after seeing the extract from Amuse which I’ve added to post. It’s still happening. He just got bored waiting.

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 12, 2016

    fickle business this movie making Ryan Reynolds was on Seth Myers talking about deadpool said it took 10 years to make.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 12, 2016

    Oh really @Cindy re Deadpool. You said it – fickle industry. I saw yesterday that Charlie Hunnam pulled out of a film and has been replaced by Idris Elba. It really is like a game of chess.

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