November 5th, 2015 / 2 Comments


From The GO Campaign:

“Robert Pattinson (The Rover, Life, Twilight Saga), has been named Ambassador for GO Campaign, as announced today by Founder & CEO Scott Fifer. As Ambassador, Pattinson will help raise international awareness of the non-profit organization and support their fundraising endeavors throughout the year.

Pattinson will attend GO Campaign events, introduce GO Campaign to new people and companies interested in learning more, and help to raise the international profile of the organization as they head into their 10th year next year.

GO Campaign improves the lives of orphans and vulnerable children around the world by partnering with local heroes to deliver local solutions. The organization connects donors to high-impact grassroots projects aimed at changing lives and transforming communities; the grassroots organizations provide children and young adults with critical services. GO Campaign supports and raises awareness about the small but highly impactful local organizations that provide shelter, food, clean water, medical care, education, vocational training and income-generating activities. Providing these services and opportunities, GO Campaign helps them build a better future which is a critical part of the solution when it comes to fighting poverty. From East L.A. to East Africa, GO Campaign has impacted over 76,000 children across 20 countries since its inception in 2006.

“I’ve eagerly followed the growing impact GO Campaign has had over the years, on so many children and youth, and I love how tangible and transparent it is. They partner with some remarkable grassroots local heroes who are doing fantastic work but who lack the needed resources, and in places where a little bit of money can go a long way. I’ve been a donor and a supporter, and now I look forward to joining their efforts, so together we can give opportunity to even more kids and young adults across the globe,” stated Pattinson.

Pattinson has been a staunch supporter of the organization for several years, attending their annual galas and providing auctionable items for the annual fundraising efforts. In 2011 he donated a set visit and meet and greet on the set of Twilight: Breaking Dawn that sold for $80,000. Those funds were used to build a center for girls’ education in Cambodia. “It was Rob’s idea to become our ambassador”, stated Fifer, “just as it was his idea to donate the set visit back in 2011. He really believes in what we do, and that’s the most we could ever ask for in an ambassador. We are thrilled to have him get even more involved and help us raise greater awareness as GO Campaign heads into our 10th year of giving opportunity to children around the world.”

Hosted by Ewan McGregor, this year’s annual gala is scheduled for November 12 at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills and will honor Abel Barrera Hernandez, Mexico’s leading human rights activist/educator; Favio Chavez and the Recycled Orchestra from Paraguay who play instruments made out of trash; and Neema Namadamu, a disabled community activist fighting for the rights of girls and women in the Congo. 100% of Gala ticket proceeds fund GO Campaign’s grantmaking for local heroes here at home and around the world.”

For those who would like to support The Go Campaign and Rob’s commitment to the organisation, you can donate in Rob’s name here.  The objective of #SharetheGOLove #RobertPattinson is:

“As our 8th Annual GO GO Gala approaches, we have been reminiscing about Rob Pattinson’s loyalty to GO over the years, and also at the loyalty of his incredible fans! Thanks to YOU, over the last 5 we have raised over $100,000 for GO Campaign in Rob’s honor! That is a powerful testament to all of YOU and your generosity in supporting our mission, for that we want to say THANK YOU. …

HERE IS THE CHALLENGE, how much can we raise to honor Robert Pattinson and his commitment to GO Campaign and to give children opportunities??!!

Donate now to join in our #SharetheGOLove Campaign … Help us spread the word – and we want to hear from you! Tweet us, post on our social media… even sky-writing (if you have the time and know how to fly)! Tell us why are you a Rob fan, why you donate to GO Campaign, why you believe is it important to give back! And don’t forget to get those hashtags going #SharetheGOLove #RobertPattinson #GOCampaign #76812kidsandcounting

Here is what our #SharetheGOLove Campaign could help us do …

• Assist the Gatanga Furaha Community Based Organization in Kenya, which cares for 21 orphans. With your contribution, we can help make their orphanage sustainable by helping them launch an income-generating pig farm.

• Purchase computers for young adults with learning disabilities at the Will to Live Center in Vietnam. Our support will fund a job-training program, their street photography, beauty training, graphic design and IT classes for one year!
• Fund the Strategy Center in Colorado, which provides 270 ESL students access to the STEM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). These students don’t have the resources to excel in STEM, and this program widens their opportunities to get a better education which hopefully lead to better job prospects!

Want to see a couple of the highlights from the many projects that your $100,000 has helped us accomplish in the last 5 years?

• Thanks to you we helped build 2 new houses in Cambodia for at-risk girls. The facility where they used to live was surrounded by dangerous slums, exposed to floods and rampant disease-carrying mice, and not enough money for nutritious meals. Now, the girls have all their needs met during high school, including the opportunity for college scholarships or vocational training once they graduate! The houses were constructed in 2012 and were affectionately dubbed “The Home that Twilight Built”.
• You raised thousands of dollars to support the Recycled Orchestra in Paraguay. This grant helped pay the salaries of the music teacher at the school and helped the program expand from 30 kids to 250 kids! And the most inspiring part is that they build their own instruments using recycled materials from the local landfill.”

  • Sue
    Posted on November 05, 2015

    This is wonderful news. It seems like a very worthwhile organization and it’s great that Rob can be involved in helping to raise awareness for worthy causes around the world.

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 05, 2015

    He is a good one, Our Rob. I am so very proud. This is one of those times I wish I was on social media to spread this very worthwhile message.
    I will have to stick to just the donation

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