April 24th, 2015 / 7 Comments

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With the start of the new year looming, we will try to maintain an international “release date” page for each of Rob’s films.  It will be updated each week or as soon as dates are confirmed.  It’s possible dates will change because as happens, movie release dates change often according to what else is being released at the time (or that’s how it works in Australia.  I was once told that release dates are like a game of snakes and ladders).  I’ll also add any new cinema promotional posters, otherwise I’ll just provide hyperlinks to trailers & posters that are the same as we’ve already seen but have subtitles or are dubbed.  So for 2015 here are the release dates for Maps to the Stars as per IMDbPro unless otherwise stated (and once the release date has passed I’ll move the information to behind the cut for ease):


  • Ecuador 13 March 2015 (looks like this may be delayed Cineplex still lists as coming soon)
  • Chile (Polvo de estrellas)  11 June 2015 ** see post here| CineHoyts has it listed under “coming soon”.)

DVD/Blu-ray *check after the cut for previous DVD release dates*

Historical release dates:

Theatrical | DVD

Film Festivals:

  • France 19 May 2014 (Cannes Film Festival)
  • New Zealand 25 July 2014 (New Zealand International Film Festival) | 25 March 2015 (DVD)
  • Canada (French title:  La carte des étoiles) 9 September 2014 (Toronto International Film Festival) | DVD see above
  • Latvia 12 September 2014 (Baltic Pearl Film Festival)
  • Canada 20 September 2014 (Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival)
  • Brazil 25 September 2014 Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival)
  • United States 27 September 2014 (New York Film Festival)
  • Canada 29 September 2014 (Vancouver International Film Festival)
  • South Korea 4 October 2014 (Busan International Film Festival)
  • Spain 7 October 2014 (Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival)
  • Poland (aka Mapy gwiazd) 11 October 2014 (Warsaw Film Festival)
  • Mexico (Mapa a las estrellas) 18 October 2014 (Morelia Film Festival)
  • Canada 19 October 2014 (Festival du Nouveau Cinéma de Montréal)
  • Romania 21 October 2014 (Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest)
  • Australia 23 October 2014 (Canberra International Film Festival)
  • Poland 23 October 2014 (American Film Festival)
  • Finland 30 October 2014 (Night Visions Film Festival)
  • Portugal (Mapas Para as Estrelas) 8 November 2014 (Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival)
  • Sweden 8 November 2014 (Stockholm International Film Festival)
  • Taiwan 8 November 2014 (Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival)
  • Egypt 13 November 2014 (Cairo International Film Festival)
  • Slovenia (aka Poti k zvezdam) 14 November 2014 (Ljubljana International Film Festival) | DVD 1 June 2015 via Cinemania
  • Japan 29 November 2014 (Tokyo FILMeX)
  • Serbia (aka Mape do zvezda) 27 February 2015 (Belgrade Film Festival) (see screening times below)
  • Canada (British Colombia)  9 March 2015 Kamloops Film Festival (British Columbia, Canada)
  • Denmark 6 July 2015  17 March (CPH Pix (formerly Copenhagen International Film Festival (Denmark) special preview screening

I’ve included the Russian poster below although it has already screened, but it’s slightly different to previous versions we’ve seen.  As for the US poster below.  That’s new to me and I’m not sure if Focus Features will use that one instead when they release in February, but it is the one on their website.

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Russian Source | Source via Robert Pattinson Turkey | Focus Features (US)

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Greek source | Golden Scene FB

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DVD Covers

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US |  Japan

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Korea & Russia

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UAE iTunes via Front Row Filmed Facebook


  • Jules
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    Wow, thanks so much Maria, really really appreciate your efforts for us all!! Wonderful to see all this and can I just say how much I love and am inspired by that new US poster?? Brilliant!!

    Thank you 👍👍😁

  • Maria
    Posted on December 25, 2014

    LOL @Jules to be honest when I stumbled across it on Focus Features website I had to stop and check that it wasn’t something you had created and they used! No joke.

  • Jules
    Posted on December 26, 2014

    Oh LOL Maria, you’re way too kind!! Maps has had some brilliant posters to accompany it 🙂 so incredibly inspiring.

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 26, 2014

    Maria – you are amazing. Thanks for the updates.

    The US poster looks very vintage Hollywood. I love it

  • Trish
    Posted on December 27, 2014

    I had a good giggle at the ‘spelling’ of Rob’s name on the Russian version. Forgive me, Russian fans, but an English reading of Rob’s name written in Cyrillic would sound like someone saying his name while holding a mouthful of marbles! Oh, sorry – my bad! Must’ve be too much rum in the Christmas pudding…

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 21, 2015

    Wow. That is interesting news.

  • Sanguine
    Posted on April 10, 2015

    My preordered dvd should be arriving in a few days! *doing the happy dance*

  • Leave a Reply

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