March 9th, 2015 / 4 Comments

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David Cronenberg talks to The Daily Beast about Rob being his muse.  This is a great article, I have only extracted the parts about Rob obviously, but you should definitely read it in its entirety.  Fascinating man – David C I mean:

““Every movie has limo sex, doesn’t it?” says David Cronenberg.

We’re discussing a mesmerizing sequence in the Canadian filmmaker’s latest effort, Maps to the Stars, wherein Havana Segrand (Julianne Moore), a famous actress/Freudian nightmare, is thoroughly banged in the back of a limo by Jerome Fontana, a limo driver and struggling actor played by Robert Pattinson. It’s just one of many bizarrely compelling scenes in Cronenberg’s latest.

You and Robert Pattinson have developed an interesting creative partnership. You’re a bit of an odd couple.

We are. Well, first of all, I think he’s a really good actor, and I think he was an underrated actor because of the stiffness and silliness of Twilight and those characters in it. But seeing other work that he had done and seeing that he was a serious actor and looking for challenges, and wasn’t trying to “manage his image” as a star, was attractive to me. And, of course, being such a big celebrity is helpful because it will help your film get financed, but the charisma that made him work so well as Edward Cullen is something you want in a movie like Cosmopolis where he’s in every scene in the movie. You need someone who’s infinitely watchable. But once you’re on the set, he’s just a sweetheart. Totally professional, really accessible, and funny. And a terrific actor.

So I take it you’re not a fan of the Twilight movies.

Well, no, of course not. Look, the series is a huge hit, of course, but it’s young adult fiction and I’m not a young adult. If people are mesmerized by it you can’t argue with it. Not a lot of movies and series have that kind of following. I don’t fault it for that.

Right. Twilight also had a strange chastity/sex is evil message.

Yeah. And you can be sure that Rob was aware of all those things. He’s very well-read, and very well-versed in cinema—which I’m not sure his fans know. He was very hyper-aware of all those things surrounding those movies.

Your film does have a fun sex scene between Julianne Moore and Robert Pattinson in a limo.

That was fun to shoot! It requires some athleticism to have sex in a limo for all concerned—including the cameraman—but obviously this isn’t the first time I’ve done a sex scene in a limo, since we did a bit of it in Cosmopolis. In this case it was a real limo, but in Cosmopolis it was a limo-set.

Well Robert seems to have the limo sex thing down, now.

[Laughs] I’ve never asked him how many times he’s had sex in a limo for real. It’s not really my place to ask such a thing. It really just requires the characters to be good actors. Obviously, the sex had a very different tone in this movie because he’s not the star—she’s the star in this movie. He’s just servicing her, and he knows that he’s doing it for his career—he thinks. Whereas in Cosmopolis, he’s the emperor of his limo.


You’ve had your studio flirtations over the years with Return of the Jedi and Total Recall. Those were pretty massive projects.


When I was doing Cosmopolis, Robert Pattinson said to me, “I’ve never seen this before.” And I seen, “Seen what?” And he said, “Well, you’re just making all these decisions right now, right here on the set and don’t have to make any phone calls or take any meetings.” The movies he’d been making weren’t made like that, and the director is just another chess piece. The studios deliberately hire people who don’t have a lot of experience so they can control them. Why else do you see huge, huge movies with tremendous pressure and responsibility being directed by someone who’s just done music videos? It’s not because they’re geniuses with strong visions. I think on the contrary, they don’t want people with a hugely strong vision.”

Interesting comments about Twilight – not that we didn’t know how controlling the studio was.  I still remember being told in 2010 “Rob’s wrapped up so tight by that studio noone has access to him”

  • Jules
    Posted on March 09, 2015

    What a fantastic interview!! Excellent read, thanks so much for sharing here Maria. His comments about Rob in particular are so wonderful 👏👏🙌🙌 love!! It’s impossible not to grin from ear to ear reading them!!

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 09, 2015

    Well, that was interesting. David’s got some balls, saying that about studio directors. I’m guessing this is why MTTS was rather coolly received by the powers that be. Because when Cronenberg says something, people take note.
    With that in mind – I am loving what he has to say about Rob. Nothing but respect.

  • Trish
    Posted on March 09, 2015

    Great read – thanks, Maria! Love hearing praise for Rob!

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 10, 2015

    What a wonderful article. Love reading David’s praise for Rob, just LOVE it 🙂 Thanks for sharing Maria!

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