May 16th, 2014 / 3 Comments


From the Playlist: “… [and] developing “The Lost City of Z” — [it’s] a hard one to get made. It needs a star and Benedict Cumberbatch will be great [Robert Pattinson is also in the cast].Pitt was once attached to “The Lost City of Z.” Is there a flavor you’re going for? 
Hopefully when we go into the jungle to film the movie will find its own language. It’s an epic movie and it’s very much in the 60mm epic style. That’s what the starting point will be, but I have a feeling it will get a little more hallucinatory than that. I have huge hopes and dreams for it. Adapting the book is difficult because you have to decide what to keep and what to let go. The main character, here’s a guy who did everything he could to fit in, and in the end maybe he didn’t, but he discovered something amazing. And that’s what something that moves me very much. That’s the thing that attracts me.

Where is “Lost City Of Z” going to shoot? That would shoot in the U.K., probably Belfast, and Colombia. That’s got Benedict Cumberbatch who’s perfectly cast. I’ve raised the money for that, and I’ve raised the money for that and I may go do that in January.

The jungle sequences in Colombia? Probably Colombia because they have—the lead character, he was actually in Brazil and Bolivia, but you can’t possibly shoot there. The infrastructure, there’s no … when I went down there there’s nothing there. EvenWerner Herzog shot in Peru. Whereas when I went to scout in Bolvia—I mean you couldn’t shoot there. So, it looks like Colombia is a real option because it’s the correct vegetation, it’s the Amazon, it’s a jungle, it’s also got mountains and it’s got indigenous peoples who are correct for the movie. So it looks like it’s going to be there and then the U.K. segment is tough because London has really nothing going for it that is correct in terms of 1905.

Last time we spoke you mentioned it may have a David Lean-esque quality to it.  Yes, although David Lean is of course a major figure but … people have asked me about “Apocalypse Now” and those kind of movies. Of course those are all great and they’re a huge inspiration and so is Lean. But I’m really trying, the older I get and believe me my lower back tells me how much older I’m getting, I’m trying to forget the kind of approach which I’ve had. On the last two movies I’ve watched far fewer movies beforehand and I’m trying to come at the pieces as organically as I can and not think of other movies. Now of course unconsciously that shit’s always going to come out, I’m always going to rip off something.”

To read full interview which is fascinating, click on link above.

  • Carmel
    Posted on May 16, 2014

    Fingers crossed the stars align for this project and Rob

  • Trish
    Posted on May 17, 2014

    Is it based on a book then? I think I’m going to have to go and Google this one…

  • Michelle
    Posted on May 17, 2014

    It sure is Trish, is based on the book of the same name written by David Grann. I haven’t read it yet but it’s on my list 🙂

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