September 15th, 2013 / 22 Comments

Oooooh something for us Aussie’s *claps hands*  Cannot wait to see more DiorRob come on through.  The magazine is available in the Herald Sun & The Sunday Telegraph.

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Cover|New Pic

Updated:   I don’t normally buy the paper but this was an exception

Updated Again:

If you live in WA then go get your copy of The Sunday Times Magazine – the article and pic is included in that


Thanks Seagull_83

  • Cindy
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Done 😀 and *cough an extra copy* cough* may have made it onto my paper*cough*

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Thank you SO much for scanning for us Maria & sharing. How BEAUTIFUL is that new pic!!! I need to make a trip to the shop asap 😀

    *giggles* @Cindy.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    LOL @Cindy – why did I NOT think of that.

  • Sue
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    I’m off to the newsagent NOW! Thanks Michelle & Seagull.

    @Cindy – guess it’s just your lucky day! *wink*

  • Vertigo
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    I wasn’t going to leave the house today but anything for a full page of that pic. 😀

  • Sue
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Bad news from Brissie. Our copies of these newspapers don’t seem to include the Sunday Style magazine. * NOT HAPPY*

  • Silvie
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Thank you so much Michelle, when I saw your alert I rushed to buy a copy PHEW made it.

    @Sue, I’d be happy to send you a copy…if I could get it to you.

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Our pleasure Silvie, so glad you found a copy 🙂 HUGE thank you to Maria for buying & scanning so fast for us this morning. Thanks so much once again Maria, you’re the best *mwah*

    Oh no Sue, that’s so unfair. Am in the same boat here in Tas 🙁

  • Sue
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Thanks so much for your kind offer @Silvie, but I think I’ve got this one covered. I phoned my cousin, who is an editor for Rupert’s paper up here, & the (condensed) conversation went something like this ….

    Cousin : Hello?
    Me : Why can’t I get my hands on Sunday Style up here in Brisbane?
    Cousin : Why would YOU want Sunday Style?
    Me : For an article.
    Cousin : Let me guess …..
    Me : Well, if you want me to subscribe to your paper to keep you and your mates in your jobs, you’ve got to give me something I actually want to read …. So, can you get it for me?
    Cousin : Yeah. It’s a bloody lot easier than your last request.
    Me : I’m still waiting on that one, too …..
    Cousin : I bet you are.

    (Fortunately, we’re really great mates. And my previous request was for 1 (okay, maybe 2) Dior Press Kits…… in case you were wondering.) *no harm in asking*

  • Sue
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    @Michelle, I just read your comment. So unfair. I’m sure I could get my hands on a couple & send you one, if you like ….

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    Oh Shit!!!!! It is 10.30pm when I am reading this. Where the hell can I get a paper at this time? I must get one of these.

    Looks like I am going late night cruising to pick up.

  • Trish
    Posted on September 15, 2013

    @Carmel, oh glory, darlin’ – your choice of words…! “Going late night cruising to pick up.” LOL!!! Let’s call it ‘blameless sin’, shall we?
    I got so excited seeing Rob in our local rag I had to hold onto my chair with both hands to stop myself doing a happy dance around the room and embarrassing myself in front of my family (who are thankfully oblivious about my Robsession.) It’s such an unusual treat (the article, not the suppression of happy dances) to see Rob as the feature article. Makes me feel like a teenager again, collecting all these things about him. It might be weird, but it makes me so happy! Thanks, Michelle and Maria, for including all the other newspaper versions as well!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    LOL @Sue that’s hysterical.

    The press kits that were sent to Oz though don’t include the viewfinder, nor the framed photos. Dior told me only 3 viewfinders were sent to Oz. THREEE!!! and yet people from Europe and the States taunt us.

    But I’m happy for you to prove me wrong!! Very happy.

  • Jules
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    Wow, love this so much….thanks Maria & Michelle. It was wonderful to wake up this morning to all the new goodness 🙂 thanks so much for sharing.

    LOL @Sue! Hope you get it!

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    *giggles* the conversation with your cousin made me laugh so much Sue. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Awww that’s so sweet of you to offer Sue, thank you so much. I would love one if you manage to get an extra. Please don’t go to any trouble though 🙂

  • silvie
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    @Sue, loved the conversation you had with your cousin. LOL. Good to know you’ve got it covered, hope you get it soon. 😀 😀 😀

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    Thanks Maria for your info re WA, unfortunately there was no Sunday Times Magazine in copy of newspaper which I checked from front to back. In retrospect, I should have gone through the whole stack, maybe Rob slipped out of mine. Thanks so much for scanning article and cover pic of Rob on this site.

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    Sorry Michelle, thank you for posting pics and text for this article.

  • Maria
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    Oh @Bee Kaye I suspect cheeky people were taking extra copies and slipping into their papers *giggles*. Not me of course, but I have to say that the first paper I picked up didn’t have it in it – I’m thankful I checked otherwise I would have been running back to corner shop lol.

  • carmel
    Posted on September 16, 2013

    Update from last night. .. I scored!

  • Maria
    Posted on September 17, 2013

    LMAO @Carmel. Good job.

  • Carmel
    Posted on September 17, 2013

    ( Twice ) 🙂

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