January 5th, 2013 / 5 Comments

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Indiewire has included 2 of Rob’s upcoming films in their list of 50 Indie Films We Want to See in 2013.  I guess The Rover wasn’t included because it’s an Aussie production … their loss.

“Map to the Stars”

Director: David Cronenberg
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Rachel Weisz, Robert Pattinson
Distributor: None as of yet.
Release Date: Very likely to premiere in Cannes or Venice or Toronto, with a deal and release date to follow.
Why Might It Be a Must See: Whatever you think of Robert Pattison becoming David Cronenberg’s newfound muse, their second collaboration in as many years looks mighty appealing. The long-delayed “Map to The Stars” also brings Cronenberg’s other righthand man Viggo Mortensen along for the ride (as well as Rachel Weisz), and is said to be a complex Hollywood satire…  It’s also the first film the Canadian director has actually shot in America. [Peter Knegt]”  [Maria:  Peter Knegt you are not alone there, not alone.  Although we saw that it’s possible Viggo might not be available – hopefully this will change and don’t think it will prem at Cannes this year since it was suppose to film in May, but I’m happy for it to be at TIFF].


“Queen of the Desert”
Director: Werner Herzog
Cast: Naomi Watts, Robert Pattinson, Jude Law
Distributor: N/A
Release date: Nothing yet.
Why Might It Be a Must See: Just because he was recently seen onscreen as the villain in “Jack Reacher” doesn’t mean Herzog has sold out. Every since “Rescue Dawn,” the kooky Bavarian filmmaker has entered a compelling new stage with the narrative side of his filmmaking career, delivering bizarre, discursive dramas (can anyone really explain “My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done?”) with the same loony poetry that often spills out of Herzog’s mouth (that iguana bit in “Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans” was something else). Herzog’s new movie looks like a consolidation of his life as an adventurous documentarian and oddball fiction work: The movie stars Watts as legendary explorer Gertrude Bell and Pattinson as “Lawrence of Arabia” author T.E. Lawrence. Herzog tends to bring out the maniacal side of his actors, which means this could be a thrill ride in more ways than one. [Eric Kohn]

If you want to see what the other 48 films are, you know the drill, click on the link above.

  • Jules
    Posted on January 05, 2013

    Oh wow, this is really fantastic….I know they forgot to include the others (or a legit reason for excluding The Rover because wow it sounds amazing how could they not include!!) but 2 of his movies on a list like this is pretty cool.

    Thanks Maria, great find!! 🙂 I’m off to check out the rest of the list.

  • Silvie
    Posted on January 05, 2013

    Agree Jules. I wonder why not The Rover

    By the way, stunning fave Rob pic of the day. Thanks. 🙂

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 05, 2013

    People are watching. Yay!

    I will confess to knowing nothing of Cronenberg before Cosmo and was just as ignorant of Werner Herzog before he signed Rob. He does look like another exciting director. I love Rob’s career direction for 2013. This year and next are going to be amazing.

    The Rover is still my most anticipated too.

  • Sare
    Posted on January 06, 2013

    I am insanely excited for these and the other movies Rob has committed to this year! Really hope Viggo can move around some things so he can be apart of Map to the Stars. Now I just need Rob & Hugh Jackman to agree on a script to work on together. 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on January 06, 2013

    @Sare they did – Unbound Captives is Rob and Hugh. It’s still got them attached so hopefully they’ll rewrite the script to change Phineas’ age.

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