Oh Rob …
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Loving that first one 😀
Okay, so it’s now 3pm in Sydney and my first thought was “OH MY GOD. I hope Maria hasn’t been arrested for hurting some poor innocent sitting next to her in the cinema” …… followed by “Maybe she’s LOVED it so much she’s gone straight back in to the next session”haha …….
Then I saw the Current Mood Gif, which I’m thinking is her message to us ……. LMFAO!
@Sue you earn a gold star!
@Maria ~ do they give you access to the internet in a holding cell? Nah, didn’t think so …..
In that case, there’s a juvenile part of me that just can’t WAIT for your entertaining review …..
Rob’s smile is always infectious. No amount of exposure will make me immune
Thank God
@Sue why would I get arrested? I’m not sure where you are going with this?
I went to the cinema today – there were maybe 10 other people at the screening – I didn’t have to sit next to anyone. Don’t be fooled by the media hype that surrounds this film – the interest has dwindled. I asked the cinema for confirmation and that’s what they told me.
Oh and I don’t think anyone really wants to know what I think. The gif should say it all.
Lol thank God for gifs huh? They say it all without words. The screening I went to was fairly full only because it was last Friday so it was only the second day after opening. I have to say that this installment was for me much better than the book and I actually liked it. And I really liked the twist at the end. It made it much more interesting IMO. Edward looks so good in this movie that I’m doubly surprised at now bad they made him look on the posters * shakes head in disbelief *. But I do agree the interest is much reduced. I guess we’ll know by how long it will stay in the theatres.
@Maria, my concern was that the over-acting (among other things) may have led you to violence …….
Fair point re the gif saying it all. I did laugh when I saw it!
I think seeing this movie with a big audience definitely helps. (Ok, maybe not everyone LOL!) I agree @Ephie re how good Edward looked in the movie compared with the posters ~ just crazy!
@Sue the overacting has been happening since New Moon – I’m pretty used to it and for me, personally, the audience wouldn’t have made a difference. It’s the bad acting (not Rob, Michael Sheen, Billy Burke or Jamie Campbell-Bower) and atrocious script that I can’t tolerate. And everything in this movie was tedious from the ridiculously long opening credits, to the non-event that was the first half of the film, the tad too long battle scene, and the overdone end credits which I left after they showed Rob. I could go on and on but I don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t seen it yet.
I’m adding BD2 to the shelf next to Eclipse. I’m just happy there are no more films that I will have to endure *waves hi to Lynda who will no doubt abuse me in spam*.
In a nutshell – it was painful watching Rob as Edward after seeing him shine as Eric.
Oh I remembered something I did like – Lee Pace. Yep.
@Maria ~ I may have gone home and googled Lee Pace myself! *giggles*
I see he’s in The Hobbit @Sue – shame I won’t be watching that, but ooh he’s in Lincoln – now that I’m seeing.
The cast of Lincoln looks pretty impressive @Maria ~ looking forward to that one too.
Only the first Twilight, was brilliant. Rob’s right and we agree with him already.
The rest of the saga was money, money, money and we all know that as well.
Watched the last one a week ago. Bored to death and sorry to say so, but even Rob, looked like he was bored too. I’m glad it’s over.
We can only expect for the best, from now on. Can’t wait for the new films. Brong it on!!!
Love you girls! Lots of XOXOXO from cloudy Athens.
Has interest waned, or was it killed? I know which one it is for me. I was a Twi fan until a few months ago. I always knew the films were moving away from what they should have and could have been – they’ve steadily grown worse, and Edward’s part (the most important part) has become more sidelined. As far as I’m concerned, Twilight was all about Rob as Edward – the rest was just filler – now, it’s just garbage. If I sound bitter, it’s because I am. I really loved this series – but it’s been ruined for me. Can’t wait for Rob to get some distance from it all. I’ll follow him (career wise!) to the ends of the earth and beyond. And Maria, of course we care what you think – I value your reviews and comments because they’re truthful and they’re YOURS. So feel free, honey!