November 19th, 2012 / 13 Comments

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So it’s no brainer that the box office for this film was going to be good on opening weekend, although personally I’ve noticed interest has definitely died down for this franchise here in Oz.  I remember when New Moon opened it made something like $16 million on its opening weekend.  Anyway according to

“The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 has posted the third biggest opening weekend this year after grossing more than $12.49 million at the local box office.

The final instalment in the five-part paranormal-romance series trailed only The Dark Knight Rises ($15.1 million) and The Avengers ($13.3 million), which both posted bigger opening weekends in 2012. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, distributed by Hoyts/Studio Canal, opened across a massive 655 screens and posted an impressive screen average of $19,070.

The opening result was slightly above The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, which opened with $12.1 million in 2011 and went on to gross $28.8 million in Australia.

The second film, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, remains the biggest of the franchise: it opened with $16.1 million in 2009 [Maria: see I remember the figure because it was almost like everyone in Australia went to see it lol]  and went on to gross $38.7 million in total.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 was followed by Argo ($1.07 million in its fourth weekend), The Intouchables ($466,479 also in its fourth weekend), Seven Psychopaths ($462,381 in its second weekend), and Nitro Circus: The Movie (which opened with $458,657).

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2012

    Maybe that’s why they didn’t go all out promoting it this time – knowing interest had died down and all that. I haven’t seen it advertised anywhere … at all. O_O
    You’d think they’d make an effort. Even when they brought Rob out, not one single person I know knew about it. Everyone did a double take when I told them and asked what he was doing out here. Ummm, most of them didn’t even know there was a 5th movie coming out.

    Oh well it’s early days yet.
    Thanks for the update Maria.

    p.s. New Moon takings are understandable. That’s when the anticipation was at an all time high for the masses (yes I used to do the midnight screenings too you know), until the ceiling watching came into play and then there was hope they wouldn’t destroy my fave book Eclipse … and that’s where it all went a little pear shaped.

    Good luck to them and I hope to enjoy this one when I find time in this crazy life to get my ass to a cinema. My expectations are at a sane level right now, so it can only be onwards and upward from there.

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 19, 2012

    I agree Vertigo – I have seen zero promotion for this movie. Once more, they take their fans for granted (and I obliged them still).

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 19, 2012

    Oh Maria – Thank you for your updates. I really do enjoy them. And that photo says it all. 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 19, 2012

    The interest really has waned here. Where I live use to be Twilight mad & I mean crazy. Around the time of Twilight & also New Moon the cinema use to do big displays & everywhere you walked in the city you saw Twilight. It died down after New Moon but still the crowds turned up to the cinema in their droves. Until this year that is. I saw a friend of mine on the weekend & she was telling me her sister went to see the film & for about 20 minutes she & her friend were the only ones in the cinema. Wasn’t until it was almost lights out that people came in & even then, it was only 10 people max. How times have changed, once upon a time the line was out the door. No advertising at all, like you said Vertigo. I have not seen one ad for it on TV at all & it use to be on every single commercial break.

    Thanks for the update Maria. I’ll head along this week/weekend. Better not leave it too long because if the screenings keep going the way of what I said above, it won’t be on here for long.

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    I have to say when I went on Friday afternoon there were about 30 people in the cinema and that was the 4 o’clock screening. There were more waiting to get into the next session but still not anything like I had seen for previous movies and the midnight screening got hardly any publicity. Times most definitely have changed. Like you Vertigo, I have have struggled to get past the abomination that was Eclipse. My fave book as well and completely ruined. After that, I have struggled. I will see probably once more before it goes but that’s enough.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    Well I haven’t seen any advertising at all in Sydney. Nothing – no billboards, no TV commercials, there’s been a slight pimp of it in the online version of Sydney Morning Herald, but that’s about it.

    I’ll possibly get to the cinema to see it, but I’m not really their target audience.

    What I find interesting is that noone has commented on the piano scene … is it minimal, blink and you miss it?

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    Piano scene@Maria. yep just about. disappointing. Not as long or as good as twilight. Just my opinion

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    Thanks Cindy. I thought that might be the case. How disappointing.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    @Cindy – thanks. How ridiculous. Maybe we will see more of it in the deleted scenes like we did with Twilight. I thought everyone is saying that this movie is a thank you to the fans – clearly it’s an FU to Rob’s fans LOL.

  • Sue
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    We’ve had a little publicity for the movie up here in Brisbane ~ I’ve had several people comment that they’ve seen the tv ads for it (I’ve only seen it once myself, but I don’t watch much tv). I must admit though, I’m surprised how many people know it’s out/coming out ~ even guys (we’re talking 40+ yr olds) ~ maybe because of posters at the cinemas themselves. (Maybe my husband is right and they only know about it because of me LOL!) And in the 3 sessions I’ve been to *cough*, the cinema was probably 90% full.

    Re Edward playing the piano, it’s there but it’s nothing that really stands out. The first time, I was a little disappointed. My expectations were probably unreasonable ~ I sat there thinking “Rob could have played that in his sleep or standing on his head”. But having seen it again, it’s quite sweet, though brief. If only we could see all the footage on the cutting room floor! And I still think the movie is an appropriate thank you to the fans, including Rob’s. I may be a little biased, I guess.

    Sorry for the essay!

  • Suze
    Posted on November 20, 2012

    I agree with Cindy about Edward’s piano scene. Not as long or as good as the one in Twilight. I’m tickled for any screen time we get of Rob playing piano but considering it was supposed to be a lullaby for his daughter, I really expected it to be longer.

    BD was my least favorite book of the series but I did enjoy the movie. Overall, I think it was well done. The twist was pretty cool and the ending credits showed a lot of class. I think it was a fitting thank you but more so to the Twilight Saga fans in general, not so much to the Rob fans.

  • Trish
    Posted on November 21, 2012

    Thanks everyone for your comments. (Sue, I like essays!) Just confirms my suspicions. I long to see Rob, but I don’t want to see this movie. I loved the first Twilight and it just tobogganed downhill from there. First BD was slightly better but judging from the stills, clips and promos, BD2 looks to be all about the new vampire on the block. Thanks but no thanks.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 21, 2012

    @trish I’ve been told that if you are a Rob fan sitting on the fence don’t bother because he’s hardly in it, but I don’t think that’s true, and I hope to go and see it on the weekend to satisfy myself since there’s contradictory information.

    Unfortunately I don’t actually trust Twifan reviews because they are completely one eyed – even on our site lol, much like me and Rob non-Twi films 🙂

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