November 8th, 2012 / 22 Comments


Ehmagawd!!   Vertigo – I hope you can stop cartwheeling enough to fully appreciate what this means – Rob and Viggo together possibly shooting in May 2013!  I seriously don’t think any of us are going to survive the next 2 years what with set photos, promo tours and the actual movies of Rob with Guy Pearce, Jude Law and Viggo Mortensen.   And I’m thrilled that we will finally get to see Rob and Rachel together too.

According to The Film Stage:

Breathe another sigh of relief, for David Cronenberg is assembling his next film. As was reported just when Cosmopolis had a world premiere, Canada’s best-known cinematic artist is making another endeavor with that film’s star, Robert Pattinson, and his newest favorite collaborator, Viggo Mortensen, on a Hollywood satire called Maps to the Stars. Already good, right? Well, there’s even more too add.

French site Allocine report that Rachel Weisz is now the cast’s third member — who, however, it has not been said — while a production start is being eyed for next May. Described as “very acerbic and satirical” by Cronenberg himself, Maps to the Stars, from what we understand, is a Bruce Wagner-scripted film which revolves around actors and agents, with a specific focus on “two child actors ruined by Hollywood’s depravity.” This central content, no matter if what we’ve heard is even true, has made this a difficult-to-implement project — movement actually began in early 2006, for instance — but when you get (for lack of a better term) stars in line, it can fall together. Respected producer Saïd Ben Saïd doesn’t hurt, either.

They’re good stars, too. Cronenberg has already shown an ability to coax wonderful and unexpected performances from Maps‘ male stars, while, on the other side of the gender coin, I think Weisz has already secured her own image. It’s still a little while off until cameras begin rolling here, but the news should be coming in on and off for the next six months. Tune in, because I think this has a chance of being something special.

Saïd Ben Saïd will be producing.”

We will just add another confirmed project to the list shall we haters …

More from The Playlist:

“Brewing since 2006, not much has really been known about David Cronenberg‘s “Map to the Stars.” In May he described it as, “very extreme. It’s not obviously a very big commercial movie, and even as an independent film it’s difficult. ‘Maps to the Stars’ is completely different [from ‘Cosmopolis‘], but it’s very acerbic and satirical, it’s a hard sell.” But Cronenberg has made a career out of mounting one “hard sell” picture after another, and thanks to three major stars on board, this one looks like it’s getting made.

Allocine (via The Film Stage) reveals that Rachel Weisz has joined Robert Pattinson and the now-confirmed Viggo Mortensen in the upcoming film. Penned by Bruce Wagner, Cronenberg previously explained: “You could say it’s a Hollywood film because the characters are agents, actors and managers, but it is not a satire like ‘The Player.’ Hollywood is a world that is seductive and repellent at the same time, and it is the combination of the two that makes it so potent. I won’t fall back on some clichés or simplistic sloganeering, because the culture and what it reveals about Western culture and the rest of the world is very complex.

The movie, oddly enough, will be his first picture shot on U.S. soil, with the filmmaker revealing earlier this year that it will lens in Los Angeles. No word yet on the roles the trio will play, but this one appears to be moving along nicely. Plans are underway for production to begin in May all on a budget of $15 million.

It will be interesting to see how the methodical Mortensen and young upstart Pattinson work together, and Weisz is always a treat. As usual with Cronenberg, we’re curious to see what he brings to the big screen next.”

“Young upstart”  really?  I don’t think that’s an adjective I will use for Rob since it’s not usually used as a term of endearment here in Australia.  And sorry but don’t we know that Rob’s apparently playing Jerome a struggling actor and chauffeur driver by day?  I’m pretty sure that’s what we reported here.    That’s a tad lazy there Playlist.

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    In the midst of all the other crazy it’s snippets like this that keep me sane!!!!!!! Such an exciting time to be a Rob fan and I cannot wait for all that is to come!!!!!!!! Thanks for the info Maria.

    You will never be able to wipe the smile off Vertigo’s face, never!!!!!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    OMG we have sooooo been waiting & hoping for this to be confirmed squeeeeeeeeeee!! Rob & Viggo together Vertigo on the big screen & then promoting together – OMG so thrilled for you Vertigo! 2013 gets better & better by the day 😀

    The next two years are going to be EPIC *starts the cartwheels* Thanks Maria for this awesome news & me too re: Rachel. So happy they will finally get to work together.

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Ain’t that the truth Vicky, epic news like this is exactly what we needed to keep us sane at this crazy time. So much to look forward to. So thrilled for Rob, just so so thrilled!!!

  • Sue
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    And the good news just keeps on rolling in! Gosh, he’s going to be a busy, busy boy. *thanks the Gods*. Imagine how much fun he’s going to have working with such great directors and actors. That alone is enough to make me smile ~ good for him.

    Thanks Maria.

  • MichelleC
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    What an epic week of film project news for Rob. Thank goodness he’s had some time to stretch his legs between promotion and filming because next year he’s going to be really engrossed artistically. So so thrilled to see that he’s teaming up with DC again.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    The film choices Rob has for 2013 – I seriously can’t express how much joy it brings me. This is exactly the road I was hoping Rob would take. God I can’t even formulate enough words to show my excitement *hangsheadinshame*

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cartwheels, Backflips and is that like fireworks going off all around everything! ROB and VIGGO and DAVID OMG!

    Praise heaven for this confirmation and at last my two dvd collections will combine to meet in the middle. So happy for Rob and the epic career path he is carving himself. Just gets better and better with every announcement.

    Maria – I stumbled on this quote and understand completely. “The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them”. It’s simple and oh so true in this case.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    p.s. Rob keeps proving that dreams do come true girls. We had discussed this way before there was even a rumour.

    Life has taken on a whole new meaning all of a sudden!

  • silvie
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Let the carwheels begin……This is such exciting news. What else can I say that hasn’t already been said. The Best News Ever. Magical magical news. Somehow, I’ve got to get back to work and I don’t mind (kind of). Happy to explain the grin if anyone asks.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    @Vertigo I LOVE that quote!

  • silvie
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    OOps, not sure if the comment will come up twice. So happy to read such exciting news. Let the cartwheels begin…….Honestly, I’m so HAPPY to be a Rob fan. What else can I say that hasn’t already been said???? Loving every single second of this. 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Doesn’t matter silvie re: the double comments – both needed to be shared 😀 I could seriously do cartwheels around the room for real *giggles* Just cannot wait!

    LOVE that quote Vertigo – it is absolutely perfect!

  • Ephie
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    @maria – Everything you said multiplied by 1000!!!!!
    OMG OMG OMG Rob and Viggo together…be still my heart. And RW into the mix as well. Plus DC directing.

    I’ve been soooo excited all morning with this news. We are in for such a fun ride next year.

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Fantastic 😀 and yes Miss V that quote says it all hon.

  • Elaine
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    I am thinking I will need to read a thesaurus to be able to comment soon as I am running out of words – This is fantastic news, I had better start saving for all these promos etc., I am not missing out next time

  • Maria
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    @Elaine if I had to hedge a bet I’d say The Rover is probably the best bet for a premiere in Australia. Doubt we will get anything for a Cronenberg film considering cost of bringing Rob out. Same might be said for Transmission re Mission:Blacklist since it’s up to the Australian distributor to arrange the promo tour. I know a lot of people think Summit sent Rob here for BD2 but that wasn’t the case 🙂

    BUT I don’t know for fact re future premieres and am more than happy to be proven wrong :))

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    What a line up!!!! Go Rob

    @Elaine – Don’t bother with the thesaurus. You will still run out of adequate word.

  • Sare
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    I love the Rob and David combo! Add Viggo to the mix and PHWOOAAAR!!
    So incredibly proud and excited of the path Rob is choosing to take his career in. 2013 is going to busy for him! How many is that next year? Four?

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Wow!! I am so ‘over the moon’ about Maps to the Stars going into production so soon. What an amazing year 2013 will be and into 2014. Rob you are a man in a million. Thanks for posting Maria.

  • vicky oceanpebble
    Posted on November 08, 2012

    Well let’s see…Viggo, Jude, Rachel… A Virgo, a Capricorn, a Pisces… and last but never least, a Taurus!!! A Pisces directing as well!!! This is a dream team girls!!!
    2013 and 2014 and 20…. are very, very promising years. I’m flyyyiiiing!!!

  • Trish
    Posted on November 09, 2012

    *runs around the room squealing* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely the most awesome news I’ve heard so far – Rob, Viggo & David combining forces. Cosmopolis was fucking brilliant – I can’t wait to see what Cronenberg does with these two fantastic actors. There is a God! Rob, you are so leaving the Twi stuff behind – and let the critics eat the dust!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 09, 2012

    @Vicky O what happens if we add a Leo into the mix *batseyelashessweetly*

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