November 6th, 2012 / 14 Comments

So great that Rob got to have fun while he was in Australia, won’t say anymore, will just let you watch 🙂

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  • Carmel
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Wow! Just Wow. I wonder if that little adventure he had in Oz had anything to do with The Rover. How awesome

  • Anna
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Ok…what’s wrong with his socks? I mean.. who cares! Even without…. it’s ok:))

  • Maria
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Thank you Jimmy for keeping it real. Always enjoy Rob on Kimmel. I love that Rob compared his scream to Ted Levine LOL.

    The screaming is irritating as hell and we know they ask them to do it – you don’t have to you know – it’s simple to say whatever. I know I did on red carpet.

  • Silvie
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Love Rob on Kimmel, they are great together. In fact, Rob has been great with all the interviews. No doubt about it, he is such a delight to listen to. Love fav Rob pic of the day. 😀

  • Elaine
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Pure gold as usual – love the interaction that they have. So many cute moments do I detect a few blushes. Love the part about the female skydiver – I would be guessing no one would have called in sick on that day 🙂

  • Cindy
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    I have already commented on twitter what i thought of the screaming :(. but apart from that it was a good interview like Jimmy k a lot. Thanks Michelle xx

  • MichelleC
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Its good to know that whilst in Aus Rob was able to do something totally cool ie skydive and it not be reported and that he is the one telling the story. Rob has this interview thing down to a fine art charming, witty and gorgeous to boot. Rob is great with the Jimmy’s.

  • Lisa
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Ye Gads! All that screaming! No wonder Rob had to knock back a vodka before hitting the stage! Hope he keeps some paracetamol on hand too! Fun interview though! 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    Love, love, love Rob on Kimmell!!!!!!! Love, love, love seeing Rob laugh!!!!!!!!! Oh and BTW I am so taking up skydiving. The urge just came upon me as i watched, go figure!!!!!!!

    I agree re the screaming Maria, it’s not hard to say, “i’m NOT a screamer”!!!!!!!!

  • Ephie
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    How stunning did he look?? He always seems at ease with Jimmy Kimmel and so he gives us great interviews. Not as funny as his “tip” and “thrusting” comments from last year but still really enjoyable. Loved that he was able to have so much fun here in Oz.
    Yes Rob we will look after you here, you will have a great time have no fear.

    Thanks for posting it so promptly Michelle. I’m sure we will get some awesome screen caps.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 06, 2012

    I know @MichelleC if there’s one thing I’m sick of is the instagrams and tweets about where he is or what he’s doing. I loved that he brushed off the one Jimmy tried to get him to talk about. I mean seriously … since when did drilling holes in a table become topical?

  • Manda
    Posted on November 07, 2012

    What a fun, happy interview. Love funny joking Rob. Loved having a laugh along with the interview. How awesome that he got to experience skydiving whilst here in Oz, best experience ive ever had so agree with Rob totally on that part. Oh & Rob can use those vacuum lips on me anytime 🙂

  • Krissy
    Posted on November 07, 2012

    Really enjoyed that interview. Love that he can have a joke!

    Rob, I would be extremely happy to go skydiving with you anyday of the week! 🙂

  • Jules
    Posted on November 07, 2012

    wonderful interview, agree with you all….he’s just a joy to watch. so happy he was able to enjoy himself in Oz and stay under the radar so to speak. wonderful!! 🙂

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