October 31st, 2012 / 12 Comments

Well the promo sure has kicked into high gear now hasn’t it. The look on Edward’s face will be like mine once all this is over. Click on him to watch.

  • Val
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    “It’s not intended for sleep” hehehehehe….That line spoken in that voice – enough to send anyone to the NC?!

  • Sue
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    haha @Val, they could have just given us that last precious line from Edward …..

    Okay, okay, I know I’m the only one here who’s clicked on this video more than once (more than twice even?), and I know the rest of you will probably want to puke after seeing this…… but I thought it was very sweet and I just love seeing Eddie happy……don’t shoot me! *running for the hills now*

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    LOL Sue, we’d never do that to you. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion & we know a lot of people do like Twilight & we respect that. It’s the people that don’t respect us & our opinion that we have a problem with & that is never you 🙂

  • Sue
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    haha thanks @Michelle. “Bad cop” might rip me a good one though …… hehe

    ps. Just for the record, I don’t think I’ve used the word ‘puke’ for about 30 years. Twilight clearly brings out the juvenile in me ……

  • Maria
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    LOL @Sue I’m guessing I’m bad cop. Nope each to their own – if you want Eddie happy that’s okay .. I’m going to wait to see him on the big screen – something has to surprise me in this film.

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    Oh Sue I do love Eddie I just don’t like what that “studio” and that person who calls herself a” screenwriter ” did to these books/ movies they could have been so much more, but that’s just my H/O 🙂

  • Sue
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    “Bad cop”? Did I say that aloud? Oops …. but yeah, that’s you, Maria! LOL (Bad in the nicest possible way, of course!) And I hope there’s something in BD2 to make us all smile and feel like it was a worthwhile journey for Rob ……

    @Cindy, I agree with you, some of the things they have done to Edward make my skin crawl, but I can overlook them because Rob is playing him, I guess ……. and his commentaries almost make up for it…..

  • Maria
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    @sue Rob is good as Eddie but his performance is hampered by the script and costars – sorry but Cosmopolis is proof of that and as a moviegoer I want to enjoy my experience rather than cringe and feel second hand embarassment for them. This is my personal opinion of course, but I will go in with an open mind.

    I hope for Kellan Lutz’s sake he gets more than one corny line but I won’t hold my breath. And if Ashley overacts I might throw something at the screen.

  • Sue
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    LOL @Maria ~ Kellan gets a corny arm-wrestle too, does that help?

    And @Vertigo, if you go to see BD2 with Maria, make sure she’s not carrying sharp objects ….. I’d hate for her to have to replace a wrecked screen …… although I’m going to laugh hard if I hear about it!

  • Elaine
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    Might need to steal that line “not intended for sleep” for those late night post ladies – not sure is it allowable to have your I-pad in the NC I feel I might be there for awhile after listening to that line 😉

  • Maria
    Posted on October 31, 2012

    Lol @sue I don’t think I’d be violent I will be laughing too hard at the cheese factor – from what I’ve seen it is a comedy … No?

  • Vicky
    Posted on November 01, 2012

    I just can’t do it.

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