October 3rd, 2012 / 43 Comments

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Thanks to Nova, we now know that the Breaking Dawn Part Two Fan Event is going to be invite only.  Here’s all the details:

Nova is getting you upclose with Robert Pattinson when he comes to Australia to promote the final installment of Twilight saga.

On Tuesday 2nd October, Smallzy announced that Robert Pattinson, star of the upcoming release of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” will be coming to Australia to promote the final instalment in the global phenomenon.

What Smallzy and Nova FM can confirm now is that Pattinson will be at an exclusive invite only fan event on Monday 22nd October in SYDNEY, and HOYTS are working with NOVA – the only radio station where you can WIN your special invite to be at this special Twilight event.

If you are a Twihard, this is something you CAN’T miss out on!

Keep listening to Smallzy’s Surgery on Nova to win your way to get upclose and personal with R Patz.


Good luck everyone!

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    Ooh, I will have to try and pick up Nova online!!!!!! It’s a shame that that there won’t be tickets available to buy though. Thanks for the info Michelle and good luck everyone!!!!!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    They do stream live online Vicky. Go get em tiger!

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    Hahahaha, thanks Vertigo. I am on it!!!!!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    @Vicky am gutted – absolutely gutted. I can only imagine what one would have to do to win.

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    It does seem a bit unfair. They got our hopes up and then BAM whip the rug out from under. I’ll give it go, listening, and trying to win but I don’t hold out much hope to be honest :(.

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    Gutted, me too. Completely gutted 🙁

  • Vertigo
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    I just tuned in and it’s over. Oops!

  • Cindy
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    So this comp is already done and dusted? Wtf?

  • Maria
    Posted on October 03, 2012

    Don’t think so @cindy I’m just gutted because what are the chances of winning – buckleys and none. I think @vertigo was referring to missing tonight’s program

  • Sue
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    This is crazy. God wouldn’t be that mean to us, would he? I’ve got no hope, being here in the US for the next week! Good luck to everyone else who CAN listen. I truly hope some of you can win tickets and report back all the beautiful details. Suddenly my smile just dropped a little ……..

  • Sue
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Okay, I’ve just gone and reread the statement “the only radio station where you can WIN an invite” …….. Perhaps there is some hope still that tickets will be given away /purchesed elsewhere? Or am I clutching at straws? Oh shit, bugger, damn! Can’t they just give RPAU a bunch of tickets ……. They DO know Rob’s coming for Michelle’s birthday, right?

  • Carolyn
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    How disappointing! Who’s got time to listen to the radio every night from 7.00 (I had to find out when Smallzy’s surgery was on) waiting for a competition. I’m obviously not the target audience. 🙁 I live in hope with @Sue, that there may be another means of getting tickets. *crossesfingers*

  • Maria
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I think you are clutching at straws @Sue to be honest. I’m in a dark place at the moment so I’m not going to be any help …

  • Maria
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    My sentiments exactly @Carolyn .. kids that’s who. Well I hope they can brace themselves for the insanity that will no doubt ensue.

  • Carmel
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Oh no!!!!! I have no hope. A radio program at 7pm???

    They still have no idea who Rob’s, or even Twilight fans are. I tell you, the teenagers have moved on. The ignorance is appalling

  • Silvie
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I’ve never listened to Smalzy Surgery. I agree about being gutted. I was so excited even formulating plans about flying to Sydney, taking a day off work and now this. I have no chance and I feel really sad about this.

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Exactly Maria & Carolyn, the only people who are going to be listening at those times are kids. Who else has the time to sit there & listen. Sure is going to be insanity central if they are the only people in attendance. So so disappointing. Still so gutted 🙁

  • Vicky
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I was really hoping this was some nightmare i had last night. Clearly, not :(.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    @Vicky a nightmare we are all experiencing … they really have zero clue.

    @Silvie ditto and I live in Sydney 🙁

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I’m confused cause i know there is 120 tickets selling, 2 given to each person which means 6- but i find that so unfair cause there are so many twilighters in Australia and we never get fun Twilight stuff here so we should get a premiere but nooooo! 🙁

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I too hoped it was just a horrible nightmare. If only it was 🙁 So unfair, so cruel.

  • Suze
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I’m disappointed and I live in a different country. 🙁 I was giddy he was heading your way and looked forward to hearing about the fan event. *heavy sigh* I know the odds are slim, but I’m gonna keep hoping that some of you are able to get tickets.

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Where did you get that info re: the amount of tickets Chelsea?

  • Silvie
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Checked in again hoping things had changed. Damn no change. This is so unfair. Excuse my ignorance.but is this Smallzy thing in Sydney? Do we have an equivalent here in Melbourne or is it the Hughesy and…can’t think of the name. :((

  • Michelle
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Yep Smallzy is in Sydney Silvie. His show is ‘Smallzy’s Surgery’ which airs weeknights on NOVA 7pm-10pm. His show is the one you need to tune into. It does stream online for those who aren’t in Sydney.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    I think his show is in other States that has Nova as well – check out Novas website

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Michelle, There is a group on Facebook “Breaking Dawn:Fighting For An Aussie Premiere” and supposingly there is actually 60 passes selling but 120 in total cause each winner gets a pass to bring someone!

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Well yeah i meant to say that the person rang them up. I don’t know if it’s true! :L

  • Ephie
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Hello all. It is disappointing I agree and you are all right – it will be madnes. I am glad I was not planning to go because I cannot afford another trip to Sydney to see Rob and I never entertained the idea. Such a shame though for all of you who wanted to to go.

  • Sue
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    The nightmare continues …….gutted indeed. Praying for better news for us all in the morning. Maybe we could invite Rob to OUR own special RPAU event – invite only, and SO much more fun for him than the other one……

  • Elaine
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    @Sue – I am a huge fan of your idea, at least there would be some form of conversation and the ability for Rob to speak and be heard at an RPAU event. Will put the positive vibes out there also for someone to be lucky enough to get to the event – fingers crossed and good luck to those who try 😉

  • Ephie
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Oh Sue what a great idea! If only it could come true…what a treat it would be for all involved

  • Carmel
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Boo hoo. No new news.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on October 04, 2012

    Waaaaaaaah! I just spit my dummy big time! Soooo obviously Rob fans don’t live in other parts of Australia. Not happy! Was prepared to spend big money on flights etc to get there but like Maria said, what hope have we got of winning tickets. And what about Michelle! Its her freaking birthday! Am gutted 🙁

  • Sare
    Posted on October 05, 2012

    My bubble has burst 🙁

  • Trish
    Posted on October 05, 2012

    Oh darlings – I’m so sorry! This is beyond cruel. What if we all petition the radio station – would that help? Just inundate them with emails til their server crashes? I can’t get to Sydney at all but it seems the true fans who live over there should at least have a better chance of seeing their idol. Don’t these f**king promoters know anything? Why don’t they do a little research for heaven’s sake? My heart goes out to you all. Hang in there.

  • Martha M
    Posted on October 05, 2012

    Oh ladies I’m so bummed for you all. What kind of shit is this??? They excite everyone and make it almost impossible to see him. What a bunch of teasers.

    That’s just plain mean and evil WTF???

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 05, 2012

    They should just have a premiere! It’s easier for everyone, You don’t need to worry about WINNING and it’s just a better chance to meet Rob!

  • Maria
    Posted on October 05, 2012

    @Chelsea – did you go to the WFE premiere? We did and we still didn’t have an opportunity to meet Rob and we were on the red carpet with him. The only person that stood between me and Rob was Dean – so not everyone gets to meet him – even at a premiere.

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 06, 2012

    Yes i did got to the WFE premiere. I did get thise tickets although i wish i didnt now. Ive been to so many premieres and every time ive met the celebuty except for WFE but it would of been better to of not get tickets and just be behind gates.

    Many people are not botering to win tickets from Nova but im gonna try, May as well. Hoyts are involved so hopeully they do too!!

  • Maria
    Posted on October 07, 2012

    Thanks Chelsea agree the people who didn’t go on red carpet had better chance. Just so you know Hoyt’s Distribution isnt part of Hoyt’s as in cinemas – they are a different entity and are the Australian distributor 🙂

  • Chelsea
    Posted on October 07, 2012

    Oh i didn’t know that. I messaged them though on Twitter and they said details to come? So i dont know then.

  • Maria
    Posted on October 08, 2012

    Oh I don’t doubt there’s more details to emerge – we just have to be patient

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