July 11th, 2012 / 15 Comments

Um … isn’t there someone missing from these promo pics?  Ephie was right in her comment on the previous post that it’s no longer a love triangle, but hey they know who their meal tickets are.  Good to see that you are milking it right to the end there Summit … right to the very end.

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and here’s uncropped pic from previous post here

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  • Cindy
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    Well Maria we can say that Summit are if nothing else “consistent” in their over promotion of the cash cow.

  • Sue
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    LOL @Maria ~ that’s exactly what I thought when I saw yesterday’s pic ….not quite the ‘family’ pic I had in mind!

  • Ephie
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    Oh my lord!!! They are absolutely awful! The one of Edward by himself is absolutely hideous!!! how do they do that every time????? To me in that picture he looks like an older man not a 17 yr old…Un-be-lie-va-ble

    I’m going back to have a look at Toby Jugg on Jules’s post to cleanse my eyes….
    Thank God that was there today…

  • Ephie
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    Yeah re the love triangle, it’s true but as you so rightly said @maria Summit know (or think they know!!!) where the money is and who the fans want to see. A BD2 calendar without Renesmee is just plain WRONG!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    I agree @ephie – how do they get it wrong oh so many times.

  • Lynda
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    I agree, the pictures are horrible but as far as Renesmee goes it’s probably some legal thing that prevents them from putting her on the calendar because of her age. Wouldn’t mind a Toby calendar though, I can’t get that face out of my mind now (not that thats a bad thing) Hows a girl supposed to get any housework done now. At least it takes the calendar pics out of my head

  • Cindy
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    I’m sorry but I haven’t liked any of the promo pics from any of the movies they have all been Ugh! especially the ones of Rob as Edward I have “shuddered” with the lot of them.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    I thought that too @Lynda re the age thing, but she’s allowed in the promo stills. It’s just weird. Maybe they’ve got a special Cullen family one that they aren’t unleashing yet … time will tell.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    They expect me to hang this on my wall? It’s possibly nightmare inducing. O_O

  • Maria
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    LMAO @Vertigo

  • Ephie
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    LOL Vertigo! Too true!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    Hahahaha Vertigo, oh so true. The promo pics are always so creepy. No thanks peeps, I’ll stick to my Rob calendar where he’s in his natural beautiful state.

  • Carmel
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    It’s a big NO from me too.

  • Sue
    Posted on July 11, 2012

    haha Vertigo ~ Me thinks we here at RPAU are not QUITE their target audience ……

  • Sam
    Posted on July 12, 2012

    WTF have they done with Edwards hair?? wish they would TRY and make him look like he did in the 1st one…..Original Twilight Edward is my favourite…..

    Angry, Sam.

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