June 14th, 2012 / 18 Comments

OK so we saw the preview yesterday & today we get the full spread.  Judging by what I have posted, I know this does not look like a full spread but that’s all they gave us Rob wise, pathetic I know.

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  • Maria
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    “Wild child”? O-kay if that’s how you want to spin it.

    At least Summit is consistent – 5 months to go and they’ve already started with the over promotion and lookey it’s coincidentally at the same time we are excited about one of Rob’s non-Twi movies. Yeah – consistent like I said.

    Oh well I guess an EW cover is what happens when your film doesn’t warrant an invitation to premiere at Cannes *snorts*

  • Cindy
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Hahahahahaha Pmsl Maria in their dreams dear, in their dreams re the Cannes premiere. They wish! 😀

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Hmmmmm oh so coincidental isn’t it Maria. They always seem to bring out the Twi promo just as we are enjoying & are excited over one of Rob’s quality non Twilight movies. Another trailer must be in the pipeline too you’d think. Sorry peeps but if you think we are going to forget about the epicness & be excited about this, sorry ain’t going to happen.

    Hahahaha spot on Maria re: the cover. In their dreams indeed Cindy!!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Oh yeah absolutely – was surprised nothing was unveiled at MTV awards to be honest. I’m guessing a “leaked” picture or video will be happening soon. I sound cynical but after 4 years it’s become slightly predictable.

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Wake me up in 48 days please. Yeah yeah!

    I agree Maria, they are consistent – at least they don’t let down the fans in that respect.

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    I’m with you Vertigo – 48 days til Eric heaven!!!

  • Sue
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Firstly, not sure how they come up with “Wild Child” …… bit weird.

    Having said that, call me a sap, but I ventured to read the EW article and I gotta admit, I kind of got sucked right in! (*runs off and ducks for cover* hehe) Don’t get me wrong, I’m all kinds of overly-ridiculously excited for the arrival of Eric in his limo …… but the thought of seeing Edward get his happy ending is enough to put a big grin on my face ….. I know, I know, that’s kinda lame, but I so want to trust that Bill Condon will give us what we want ……

    Now, should I press ‘delete’ or ‘send’? Decisions, decisions……

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    @Sue – it’s ok to express opinions – it’s only a problem when people feel the need to force everyone else to feel the same way.
    I do envy your joy girl.

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Exactly Vertigo, so well put. Please don’t ever be afraid to voice your opinion Sue. They are always welcomed when put in the nice way you just did 🙂

  • Martha M
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Wild Child??? I don’t remember Renesmee being wild in the book, she was only but a toddler.

    I can’t get excited either. No matter how many magazines covers they will cover, I just don’t feel it.

    I can’t wait for these movies to be over, and see what other amazing movies Rob will bring us.

    Maybe I’m getting bit old. Oh God did I say that out loud???

    Maria I agree with you 100%. Consistent they are. Vertigo you got that right they don’t let the Twihards down.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Hahaha @Sue – that’s okay you can enjoy it we won’t give you a hard time 😀

  • Sue
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    *sheepishly opening this post* …… phew!

    Thanks Ladies, I promise to contain my Eddie enthusiasm ……. Had a giggle when I read Martha’s comments re “Maybe I’m getting a bit too old” …… So help me God, I know that’s how I SHOULD be feeling re BD2….

    ps. Just passed some Target mannequins at my shopping centre …… I swear I did a double take and nearly wiped out an old lady ….. I’m sure they modelled the display on the EW cover! LOL

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Well I was a bit of a late starter with the Rob Syndrome, didn’t hit him until 2009. I read Twilight books first and then to the films in 2009 and have been
    hooked’ on this amazing man ever since. If not for the Twilight Books, I may not have discovered Rob and Bel Ami might have passed under my radar – I have so enjoyed watching this film – Georges forever!! I will watch any of Rob’s films, and have seen most of his work, just for the sheer joy of watching him. Thanks for the post Michelle.

  • Maria
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    LOL! @Sue.

    Don’t get me wrong – I know I said “not even Rob could make me love this saga”, but I was talking more about the storyline and not that I don’t appreciate Rob’s performance as Edward. I’m just ready for it to be over. They dragged it out too long. It would have been nice for BD to be one movie and for it to have wrapped up nicely last year.

    Summit if you are reading this – can you please leak Rob oops I mean Edward’s scene where he’s supposedly playing the piano *batseyelids*

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Hehe Sue, you made me laugh when I read the opening line of your comment. I think you all know how much I love Rob as Edward. His performance is wonderful. Like Maria, I’m just ready for the whole Twilight saga to be over. I’m not a fan of the story at all & look forward to Rob being able to move forward.

    Rob’s scene playing the piano leaked – YES PLEASE 😀 😀

  • Sue
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    PIANO? ……..Did someone mention PIANO + EDWARD + LEAK in the same sentence? Yes please …… and SUMMIT/BC, if you mess that scene up, I’ll be one (very old) pissed off fan!!!

    I promise I won’t return ……..

  • Val
    Posted on June 14, 2012

    Lol @Sue – that’s laughing with you, not at you, as I totally feel you. @Bee Kaye, your story is exactly like mine, the journey to Rob, lol! Edward will always hold a special place in my heart. I figure as long as my tongue is firmly in my Twi-cheek, I don’t mind admitting it 🙂 Any excuse to see Rob on the big screen, and we know his future will hold deeper things. All the summit stuff is quite hilarious 🙂

  • Vicky
    Posted on June 15, 2012

    My only surprise here is that they waited this long after Rob in Cannes to throw this out there!!!!!! That being said, I am always happy to look at Rob in any form and Edward does have a special place for me but I agree, the time has come and gone for this to be over!!!!!

    Leaked Edward playing piano scene, now that would get me excited!!!!!!

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