March 26th, 2012 / 14 Comments

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I wouldn’t want someone to say that I’m shying away from providing box office updates for Bel Ami because it’s a flop.  And I reiterate what  I said last time, it’s too early to call considering it hasn’t had worldwide release.  In any event, I like to keep up to date on what’s happening with Rob’s films and so here we go.

According to UK Film Council, the Box Office for the weekend 16-18 March 2012 saw Bel Ami drop to no. 15 with total gross to date being £579,897.  But without looking like I’m making excuses – Bel Ami has only been shown in 139 cinemas as opposed to films like John Carter for example, which is being shown in 452 cinemas (and let’s face it Disney itself has already come out and confirmed that that movie has been a disaster considering how much it cost to make).

According to Box Office Mojo Bel Ami  has grossed the following to 18 March 2012:

Well we know that BOM isn’t showing all the countries it’s released in, Sabina told us how good it was doing in Romania and yet – I don’t see Romania listed above.  In fact, I’m not a mathematics genius but can someone explain to me how worldwide Foreign Total is shown as $668,769 – yet  when you look at the figures above, UK alone is $919,100.  Wonder what calculator BOM is using – I’d like to use that one to show how much I still owe on my mortgage … just saying.  Anyway my calculations for box office to 18 March 2012 are USD1,181,127.00.

  • Cindy
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Thanks for the update @Maria. And as Declan and Nick said at Berlinale they didn’t make this movie to make a ton of money and none of the actors where in it for the money either.

  • Vicky
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    LOL Maria, it does sound like the calculator to have!!! Thanks for the info. Only 58 days and we’ll be able to make our own judgement on Georges (and I have absolutely no doubt i will love him)!!!

  • Tracey
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Thanks for the update! We’ll love it no matter what and I want that calculator for my mortgage as well lol x

  • Michelle
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Thanks for keeping us updated Maria. 58 days until we see Georges with our very own eyes. I know how much I will LOVE him.

    Oh & yes, I want that calculator LOL.

  • Sue
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Forget the calculator, I need some body scales that add up like that!

    Thanks @Maria … although trying to read that Box Office chart, I’ve confirmed my darkest fear …..relentless watching of Eric in his limo truly IS turning me blind!!!!

    58 days, Geroges …… we’re waiting for you…..

  • Carmel
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Thanks for questioning those figures Maria – When they didn’t add up I really did think Georges had ruined me.

  • Ephie
    Posted on March 26, 2012

    Thank you so much @maria, your work here is invaluable. Gee if only all of us could use that calculator lol! What you said is so right, it’s too early to tell as the movie has not been released in many countries as yet. Having said that I truly believe that everyone involved with Bel Ami did not expect it to break box office records. They got involved because they loved the story and wanted to bring it to the big screen even accepting lower pay than they would normally receive. Do we know how much it cost to make?

  • lise-lou
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    Thanks for taking the time to do this for us Maria, sure is some creative figurework they have going on. Can’t wait until its our turn in Australia to add to this.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    @Ephie I think from memory it cost about £9 million – I remember thinking at the time that it was even less than Remember Me.

  • Jules
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    Thanks so much for doing this Maria. Totally agree, its weird for anyone to judge it right now with so many markets still to get the movie. It will continue to grow, we shall see how it goes….all I know is that I loved him in it, my friends all enjoyed the movie AND his performance so haters can hate. He’s brilliant.

    @Sue LOL oh I’d love scales like that too. Hahaha

  • ephie
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    Thanks for letting me know @maria. I could not find the info. Hopefully Australia will support Bel Ami just like we did for WFE – as I recall Australia was the highest grossing country outside the US for WFE. I am only worried that if it is a limited release people will not make the effort to travel further out to see it. I know WE will cause we will always support Rob’s movies.

  • Maria
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    @ephie we were the only country (I’m sure) that WFE opened at No. 1.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on March 27, 2012

    Well considering all the evidence you’ve presented Maria – I think it’s so far so good.

  • Bee Kaye
    Posted on March 29, 2012

    Thanks Maria for keeping us up to date. I am hanging out to see Rob in Bel Ami – love period dramas – eye candy in a classic 19th Century cream suit, sigggghhhh. Thank you Rob.

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